Creative Juices Arts Blog

Welcome to my blog page! I love writing about the healing power of the creative process. Here you will find a collection of all of my writing from all the way back to 2005! Enjoy!


Chris Zydel

For The Times When There Is No Map

For The Times When There Is No Map

No matter what it might look like from the outside, everyone is learning the hard way.   So give yourself a break.   If you’re struggling or floundering or feeling stuck and confused and can’t see a way forward out of whatever is challenging in your life right now,...

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The Inner Critic and The Art Police

The Inner Critic and The Art Police

In the Wild Heart Expressive Arts approach to intuitive painting and art-making we are in a continual dance of trying to navigate our relationship to the judging mind also known as the inner critic.     I’m defining the inner critic as the part of our psyche that is...

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What To Do When You’re Creatively Stuck

What To Do When You’re Creatively Stuck

Some tips for when you find yourself at a creative standstill. Don't expect yourself to be creative. Or original. Or goddess forbid an ARTIST! Don't even call what you do creativity. Or art. Simply pick up a brush if you paint. Open a notebook if you write. Put on...

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Intuitive Painting As A Spiritual Adventure

Intuitive Painting As A Spiritual Adventure

I often think of the intuitive painting process as a spiritual adventure. It reminds me of this lovely quote from the poet John Donahue: “Behind your image, below your words, above your thoughts, the silence of another world waits.”  I really see creativity and...

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Making Bad Art Fun!!!

Making Bad Art Fun!!!

  I am totally dedicated to helping folks find their way back to creative flow. Which means I’m endlessly curious to discover what gets in the way and BLOCKS creative flow. One of the most nefarious and unfortunately popular of the creativity blockers is...

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You Can Create No Matter HOW You Feel!

You Can Create No Matter HOW You Feel!

There’s a lot of different ways that people unconsciously shut down their creative flow. But one of the more popular methods is by believing that you can only create when you are in a particular frame of mind. Sometimes it’s a belief that you need to feel inspired, or...

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An Invocation To The Glories Of The Unknown

An Invocation To The Glories Of The Unknown

What I sell is the unknown. I make it safe for people to explore the invisible, to not know what they are doing or why they are doing it and trusting that it's OK to do it anyway. I give people permission to do away with stories. With explanations. With understanding....

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Trusting In What Makes You Happy In 2021

Trusting In What Makes You Happy In 2021

  As we leave 2020 behind and step into whatever 2021 has in store for us I’ve been thinking about happiness.   In fact, the word that I have chosen to guide me through this next year is joy. 2020 was hard. There were many losses, some of them tragic, for so...

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Generosity As A Portal To Creative Flow

Generosity As A Portal To Creative Flow

Generosity and Creative Flow Helping people become more creatively expressive is my mission in life. And I've learned a few things about what works to keep your creativity, which is really another way of saying your life force, operating at its full and fulfilling...

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Love Your Body. Free Your Creative Soul.

Love Your Body. Free Your Creative Soul.

I was working with a woman student of mine not too long ago and when I asked her how her painting process was going she said that she was having a hard time connecting with her creative source because she was obsessing about something else. She was going to be in a...

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