The Art Of Choosing Yourself When The Stakes Are High
I’m actually so incredibly DONE with the Good Girl. What I really want instead is for us to claim our Vibrantly Powerful Woman self. I want us all to learn to feel good and unapologetic about being centered in ourselves, to respect and honor our own longings and desires and as I often tell my women students to practice being Needy, Greedy and Proud of it!!
This is a skill that needs to be learned and the skill really comes down to choosing yourself… again and again and again.
It takes a lot of courage to make that choice, because it flies against everything you have been taught by the dominant culture about what you need to do to guarantee safety and security and love.
But I know from direct experience that the greatest source of all good things lies in deeply knowing who we are, valuing who we are and allowing that self knowledge to be the North Star of our life. There is something inside of you that’s ready to be directed and guided by your heart and soul. That is more than willing to go against everyone else’s recommendations and advice around how you choose to live your life, and instead trust your own inner wisdom.
The art of choosing yourself is the ultimate life skill that will never lead you astray. In times of incredible change and unpredictability, it is THE most powerful life skill you could master.
My friend Alicia Morrow is a HUGE proponent of this philosophy and out of her passion to help support ALL women to embrace this invaluable skill, she invited 12 amazing, heart-centered and powerful women together to create an inspiring storybook all about The Art of Choosing Yourself When the Stakes Are High.
I am one of these contributors to this fantastic storybook and I can’t wait for you to read my story! It’s about a turning point in my life when I trusted and chose myself, things changed for me and my life opened up in wonderful ways I couldn’t have predicted ahead of time.
In this storybook you will receive:
• Inspiration from 12 amazing women, and the incredible turning points in their lives
• Real life examples of what it is to be a vibrant, beautiful and powerful woman today
• Permission to live boldly, courageously and authentically
• Free gifts from these amazing contributors
• A bonus section with 3 Life Changing Truths to help you start choosing yourself today
Learn more about this ultimate life skill & download your storybook here: The Art Of Choosing Yourself When The Stakes Are High
My heartfelt wish is that these stories will inspire you to be your bravest self, to claim your ability to be bold and daring and to embrace the extraordinary possibilities that are waiting for you in 2021.
