Creative Juices Arts Blog

Welcome to my blog page! I love writing about the healing power of the creative process. Here you will find a collection of all of my writing from all the way back to 2005! Enjoy!



The Healing Power Of Meaningless Experience

The Healing Power Of Meaningless Experience

    The wild heart intuitive painting approach to art is at core a liberation process which means that there are NO rules. Just practices. And, in fact, one thing we encourage our students to do on a regular basis is to BREAK any rules they might have picked...

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Why Completing Your Paintings Really Matters

Why Completing Your Paintings Really Matters

In my role as an intuitive painting facilitator and guide I am deeply dedicated to the principals and practices of the Wild Heart Expressive Arts Intuitive Painting process. And one of those practices is the invitation to complete any painting that you start before...

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Wild Heart Medicine

Wild Heart Medicine

When I turned 50 ( almost 22 years ago) I had just started holding my week long painting retreats at the Ghost ranch Conference Center in Abiquiu New Mexico a couple of years prior. During that retreat I had a number of my long time students in attendance. These were...

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Listening To Your Heart. Finding A Way.

Listening To Your Heart. Finding A Way.

Before the pandemic turned all of our lives completely upside down, I had a thriving, in-person retreat business. I held weekend and four day non-residential retreats at my Oakland studio and took people on week long residential retreats in fabulously beautiful places...

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The Wild Rumpus Ride Of Change

The Wild Rumpus Ride Of Change

The past four years have been a sometimes grueling, often disturbing, seemingly unending process of slip-sliding transition, rocky instability, startling change and revolutionary upheaval. This process has been happening in both in the inner world of the psyche and...

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Painting Ourselves Whole

Painting Ourselves Whole

My husband,  life and business partner in all things creative, Tim Lajoie,  has been writing more and more these days and this post is written by him.  I’m so enjoying how his wise perspective is contributing to the conversation about this powerful expressive arts...

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The Promise of a New Box of Paints!

The Promise of a New Box of Paints!

It finally arrived! I had been waiting all morning, checking my phone, tracking the number of stops until it got here and then, “cuh-thunk”, the satisfying thud of a heavy box unceremoniously dropped on our front porch. I pulled the box inside and grabbed a knife to...

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How Long Does It Take To Truly Heal?

How Long Does It Take To Truly Heal?

  In my early days as a psychotherapist whenever I would begin with a new client I would often get the question, “How long is this going to take?” Meaning, how much time will it take before I am healed and this problem I am bringing to you is permanently solved....

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