Over my winter break I had the pleasure and the honor to be interviewed a couple of different times by some amazing creative women. And the first interview was with the wonderfully soulful and powerfully insightful psychotherapist and podcaster Rebecca Wong for her inspiring Podcast series called Connectfulness.
She named this episode and our conversationINTO THE DEEP CREATIVE PROCESS WITH CHRIS ZYDELwhere we talk about creativity, vulnerability, the patriarchy, anger, archetypal energy, perfectionism, the inner critic, the mystery, creating from our hearts and bodies and all kinds of other juicy topics.
So get yourself a cup of tea and make some time for yourself to settle in for this deep and nourishing soul chat.


I think your courses are exactly what I need to break free from my chains, even though I am terrified of feeling vulnerable.
Which one would you recommend for someone who is incredibly stuck and has been for a very long time. I can’t seem to let go of the need for order. I find myself avoiding creativity by organizing closets or something in my home, not quite OCD but getting dangerously close. I call myself an artist but I have not made art in years. I have spent 2020 creating the perfect ( dangerous word) space to make art by building a whole new building designated solely to art and exercise. I would sign up for your class that starts on the 4th, but I am about three weeks away from having the space ready and void of noisy tools and trades people.
Will you be offering the four week course again in February or March? I am afraid I need to step out of my comfort zone and sign up for an online course to let go and feel free to create again. All of my supplies ( lots of them as I buy art supplies when I don’t feel like organizing ) are in boxes waiting to be unpacked as soon as the workmen are gone. I will have no more excuses. I simply must allow 2021 to be the year I discover my true self. I turn sixty in November and I just can’t wait any longer.
I am really hoping that what you offer will help me break through the barriers that are holding me back.
I will look forward to hearing from you soon.
Cheers, and Happy New Year!