I just returned from another week long adventure with my current teacher training group and am full of so much gratitude for the power of this intuitive painting and expressive arts work to heal and free the creative soul. The teacher training program is...
Creative Juices Arts Blog
Welcome to my blog page! I love writing about the healing power of the creative process. Here you will find a collection of all of my writing from all the way back to 2005! Enjoy!
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Jupiter In Virgo: Aligning With Divine Order
Jupiter is one of my favorite all time planets. I love its joyful, fun-loving promise of endless bounty, expanded generosity and renewed faith in life. It’s the planet of doors opening. Blockages disappearing. The open road and adventure ahead with the wind in...
Receiving Nurturing Wisdom From My Sweet Mama Earth
Whenever I go to the California High Sierras, one of my soul homes, I always visit Mono Lake, famed as one of the saltiest lakes in the world. It is also surrounded by calcium based tufa towers growing out of the lake shore and is one of the largest gull rookeries on...
Bye-Bye Perfection Paralysis
Perfection paralysis is a very sad and very real thing. But the good news is that it's not a permanent condition! The first step in dealing with it is to acknowledge and identify the paralysis for what it is. To simply name it. To bring it out of the closet. The real...
Packing For The Wild Woman Freedom Journey
Every once in a while my muse/inner creative goddess decides that SHE wants to write a love letter directly to you all, using me as her always faithful scribe. Today is one of those days. Dear Wild Women Of The Untamable Creative Heart, I know that many of you are in...
Winner For Summer Creative Grief Playshop Giveaway!
I want to thank all of you who participated in this contest and was deeply moved by the wonderful quotes that you sent me. Whenever I hold one of these giveaways it is always SO difficult to have to choose between all the amazing folks who enter their names...
The Anatomy Of Real
Real is gutsy. Real is vulnerable. Real is raw. And bodacious. Real is at the core of everything. Real is something that you can feel. It resides in the heart and the belly much more so than in the mind. Real is authentic power. Real is where you draw the line. Real...
Creative Grief Studio Summer Playshop Class Giveaway!
I am totally thrilled to have been invited to teach an online class through the Creative Grief Studios Summer Playshop series. AND... I have 1 ticket to award to 1 lucky person to attend my class on Painting Your Way Through The Mystery Of Grief. To win...
Who Needs Creative Inspiration?
One of the biggest illusions around the creative process is that we have to be in a magical state of inspiration in order to create. This fantasy state is some combination of bright eyed and bushy tailed excitement, uber confidence and feeling an unbroken connection...
A Six Year Old’s Secret To Being A Whole And Healed Artist
During a recent trip to Oregon, I visited an artist friend who has two children. Her youngest is a girl about 6 years old. And all around my friends house were pieces of art made by her daughter. When I first met this tiny artist I said to her: “Your mom has been...
A Message From Your Muse
Your creative muse gives ZERO fucks about what you think regarding your capabilities or training when you make art. She doesn’t care if you think you are a shitty artist. Or not talented. Or never enough. She doesn’t pay any attention to when you compare...
In The Studio With The Wild Heart Queen: Process or Product?
I will often get written queries from my students around issues they are having with their creative process and thought it would be fun and useful to share some of my responses with all of you here. Dear Wild Heart Queen, Since taking your intuitive painting class I’m...
Paying Homage To The Beauty That Is You
My daily Art practice is to adorn myself with beauty. I bejewel my skin with silver and stones from the earth, drape my precious body with silken scarves and embroidered shawls, surround my being with wild color. I become my art. This adornment reminds me on a daily...
Art Happens
Art happens. And it happens in all kinds of places and during all kinds of situations. People make art during war. People make art during peacetime. People make art when they’re traumatized. People make art when they’re safe and sound. People make art when they...
Love The Muse You’re With
I have a confession to make. In a lot of my writing I talk about my relationship to the creative process as something that’s kind of abstract. Or simply the workings of my own mind. Which isn’t exactly the truth. I’ve been avoiding telling the truth because...
The New Moon/Solar Eclipse: A Time For Embracing Greater Freedom
If you’ve been paying attention to the astrological weather you may have been hearing that the upcoming new moon/eclipse is incredibly powerful. Partly that’s the case because it’s happening at the same time as the vernal equinox. But it’s also held in the context of...
Painting With Fire Giveaway Winners!
It was so wonderful and moving to read through all the responses to my question of how intuition is important in your life from the folks who threw their hat in the ring in hopes of winning a spot in my online class, Painting With Fire. And I must say that left to my...
The Final Pluto-Uranus Astro Shakedown: What Has Radically Changed For YOU Since 2012?
I just recently launched my very first online intuitve painting class. And I began that project in August of 2012. Which means that it took me about two and a half years to complete the process and get this thing alive and out the door. Another part of that journey...
Painting With Fire Class Spots GIVEAWAY!!
I am so ridiculously excited about the many amazing creative folks who have already signed up for my Painting With Fire journey that begins at the end of March. And I would like to make available two FREE spots in the class for a couple of lucky creative souls....
The Scary, Delicious, Empowering Risk Of Doing Something New
The big, BIG news in my world right now is that my online intuitive painting class Painting With Fire is FINALLY open for registration. I know that a lot of you have been waiting for this and I want to thank you ahead of time for your incredible patience. One of my...
The Predictable Miracle Of Soul Making Through Art
Every time I hold space for one of my intuitive painting workshops I am awestruck and made mute by the power and beauty that I get to witness and participate in each and every time women and men gather to create in this profoundly sacred way. It’s what I call...
Honoring Your Creative Calling
One of my students loves to make art. She has always loved to make art. But her mother is a psychologist and had a dream of getting a Phd in psychology. So my student ( who is also interested in personal growth and healing) felt guilty because she DIDN’T want to get...
The Artist As A Beacon Of Love
There is a vulnerability to being an artist. And that vulnerability comes from associating being loved for our work as being loved for ourselves. When you create from your heart you ARE creating from love. And there are lots of old...
More Than Pretty: Intuitive Painting As A Path To True Beauty
When people talk to me about why they hesitate to take an intuitive painting class I hear two concerns voiced over and over again. The first one is the fear that they will stand in front of a blank sheet of paper for the duration of the class and NOTHING will...
Astro Wisdom 2015: Dismantling The Old, Entering The Unknown and Becoming A True Creator
Congratulations... we made it through the wild and wooly transformational roller coaster ride that was 2014 and have landed on the threshold of a whole new year. Astrologically this was a time of MASSIVE change and upheaval. Beginning in 2012 we have been...
Self Love As A Healing Path To Wild Creative Freedom
I have a student who, when she first started painting intuitively, asked me if I thought it was a good idea for her to take a more technique oriented art class. She was feeling critical of how images were showing up in her paintings. She judged...
Trusting Our Way Through The Dark
I recently spent a week feeling pretty bad. I was extremely depressed. And had zero energy. In trying to make sense about where this onslaught of misery was coming from, there were a number of things I could point to. It's been a crazy intense year. Lots of...