Just recently I shared on FaceBook about how I had just coughed up a HUGE spiritual hairball of ancient psychological gunk that had been clogging up my emotional and spiritual energy for a LONG time. And someone asked me to share about how I approach that process of...
Creative Juices Arts Blog
Welcome to my blog page! I love writing about the healing power of the creative process. Here you will find a collection of all of my writing from all the way back to 2005! Enjoy!
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Chris Zydel
Some Tips On How To Embrace The Creative Process of Radical Change
I’ve been having an interesting discussion with myself about the desire to take a sabbatical. And how important it is to set aside periodic big chunks of time out of your life to recharge, and rejuvenate. But the problem with sabbaticals is that wherever you go, there...
The Price Of Redemption
That thing that is right in front of you That issue or situation that keeps bringing you to your knees That you seemingly can’t escape Desperately wanting to avoid Hoping it will stop or go away The one where you tell yourself If only I could be rid of this hell Then...
An Ode To My Wild Kin
I search for the wildness still living in me Listening for my wild kin calling out With joyful memories of being clothed in fur and scales and feathers Reminding me of what it means to be deeply a part of this earth We are brothers and sisters of blood and bone and...
The Geography Of Real
Real is gutsy. Real is vulnerable. Real is raw. And bodacious. Real is at the core of everything. Real is something that you can feel. It resides in the heart and the belly much more so than in the mind. Real is authentic power. Real is where you draw the line. Real...
Who Is Your Creative Alter Ego?
I have a friend who is a musician. And more than anything else he wants to write his own songs and eventually put them together on a CD. But it’s not really happening. So he is in that particular type of artists hell where the creative longing is terribly insistent...
How To Heal What You Can’t Change, Fix or Cure
I got into this line of work… i.e. helping people heal … because I wanted to make things better. I saw a lot of suffering in my family and community during my early years here on the planet. And I wanted to alleviate that suffering. And I still want that. And still...
I get awfully tired of being an adult all the time. I get exhausted just thinking about the list of things I have to do to keep my life operating on a more or less even keel, much less actually doing all those things. Like always having to be competent. And...
Wild Heart Painting: It Gets ALL Your Juices Flowing!!!
One of the little known benefits of the wild heart expressive arts intuitive painting process is that it ... *ahem* ... gets ALL your juices flowing. Including the sexy ones. And that’s no joke. A couple of years ago I had a woman who came to one of my weekend...
How Have You Been Silencing Your Creative Voice?
If you have been in my world for even five minutes you know that I am wildly devoted to spreading the word about the healing power of the creative process. And what I find healing about making art in an intuitive way is how it allows, encourages and...
Perfectionism, Being A Creative Troublemaker and Drama That’s GOOD For You.
I’ve been reading a lot of novels lately… and have come across some darned good ones… but the thing I’ve noticed the most is that a story only really gets interesting when someone majorly screws up. If the protagonist falls in love with the wrong person, if the best...
Creativity Chats with Chris Zydel + Connie Solera: How The Creative Process Deepens Our Connection To The Earth
This is our very last chat for the week. It’s been such a blast getting to talk creative process, painting, and the Feminine with you all week long! Connie and I sincerely hope that you’ll join us for Paint Riot in Oakland, California this May where the...
Creativity Chats with Chris Zydel + Connie Solera: The Divine Feminine and Traveling To The Underworld Through Your Art
Welcome back friends! And if you’re new to this series Connie Solera and I have been doing all week long be sure to CLICK HERE and HERE to see some of what you’ve missed. Today we’re venturing deep into the Feminine, the Underworld, and the Creative Process — places...
Creativity Chats with Chris Zydel and Connie Solera: Finding Your Style + Voice As An Artist
This is probably the question we get asked the most as creativity teachers: how can I find my style/voice as an artist? Connie and I have quite a bit to say about this in today’s chat! And I’m certain it will come up again at our upcoming Paint Riot workshop in...
Creative Chats with Connie Solera and Chris Zydel: How To get Creatively UN-Stuck!
Hey there you gorgeous creative!! Connie Solera & I are back again for our second chat! And we’ll be here All. Week. Long. Discussing creativity, painting, and the Feminine — all things we love, love, love and look forward to chatting more about at our upcoming...
Connie Solera + Chris Zydel: How To Embrace Jealousy + Competition As An Artist
Greetings, my wondrous and wild hearted creative peeps, I’m excited to announce that I’ve got a fabulous and inspiring creativity series all lined up and ready to go for you today! All this week my dear friend and creative cohort Connie Solera and myself are going to...
Sacred Generosity: Allowing Yourself To Be Given TO Is An Essential Spiritual Practice
I am a giver and generosity is my religion. I love that feeling of being so full and abundant and bountiful that art supplies, attention, kindness and love simply pour out of me. It’s a wonderful experience to give without really worrying about whether or how that...
A Free Webinar SNEAK PEEK into Painting With Fire!
My beloved online intuitive painting class, Painting With Fire will be starting in a few weeks on March 20th. And I’ve been getting a lot of questions about what exactly IS intuitive painting and how can it support my continued creative growth and expansion as an...
Painting From The Wild Heart in the California Redwoods!
I offer my Wild Heart Painting Retreats in stunning natural environments very purposely. I feel that being embedded in the natural world supports the wordless healing power of the creative process through bringing us home to our connection with Mama Earth. And one of...
Making Time And Space For Rest Even When You Think You Shouldn’t
2016 was a big year for me on a lot of levels. In my business I began two teacher training-programs and made my first foray into offering international retreats ... plus I found myself dealing with some unexpected and challenging health stuff. And of course I was...
Wild Heart Teacher Spotlight: Nadia Munarolo-Kurjata
Intuitive painting gives a freedom to my expression. I can paint it all out on the canvas and although it may not look like anything in particular, it is splattered with emotion. Getting my feelings out and processing through them with paint is a form of medication for me.
Bye-Bye 2016: The Good. The Hard. And The Letting Go.
It’s the end of the year and like a lot of folks I’m taking some time this week to look back on the past 12 months and simply acknowledge the fact that I made it through another year while honoring this most recent journey around the sun. As an astrologer and...
Finding Our Center When It Feels Like The World Is Spinning Out Of Control
It’s hard to even know how to begin this post. It feels like so much has happened in a little less than two weeks. Since the USA election the world has been turned upside down and inside out and it’s scary and disorienting for me and a lot of people that are part of...
Sacred Neediness
During the opening circle of any of my intuitive painting workshops or retreats I always encourage my participants (who are usually primarily women) to practice the art of being needy, greedy and proud of it. As soon as the words come out of my mouth, I can hear the...
Glow: Working Women Artists Speak to Business As A Creative Act with Chris Zydel and Shiloh Sophia
When: Friday, October 7th at 12pm PT | 3pm ET | 8pm UK Where: ONLINE! Watch live or later via Livestream Cost: $57 Once again my dear creative soul sister, Shiloh Sophia and I are teaming up to bring you an inspiring and luscious creative event. We’re calling it GLOW:...
Sacred Space
The Desert She is a living being Undulating at the speed of primordial mystery Ancient secrets hidden in folds of sand Silent and windswept Open and unrevealed Unabashed in her nakedness She calls me into a spaciousness Both terrifying and holy Alien and once...
Astro Wisdom – Jupiter in Libra: Expanding Our Capacity For Connection
Once a year the planet Jupiter changes astrological signs and blesses us with the largesse of whatever qualities that particular sign has to offer. Jupiter is all about the spirit of generosity so the energy of the sign that it enters EXPANDS and impacts us all on...