Creative Juices Arts Blog

Welcome to my blog page! I love writing about the healing power of the creative process. Here you will find a collection of all of my writing from all the way back to 2005! Enjoy!



Wild Heart Teacher Spotlight: Deborah Young

Wild Heart Teacher Spotlight: Deborah Young

This painting process helps me follow my emotions (energy in motion) by painting stories of my childhood and adulthood which has simply transformed my life!… I’ve proven that I’m a strong survivor who believes that tragedy in life doesn’t define me. It has empowered me to find my authentic voice, encouraging me to speak my truth!

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What Exactly IS Intuitive Painting?

What Exactly IS Intuitive Painting?

What exactly is the Wild Heart Expressive Arts intuitive painting process? And how is it different from other ways of making of art? I get asked this question a lot because there’s some honest confusion about what it even means to paint intuitively. And also a need...

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Wild Heart Teacher Spotlight: Kelsey Gustafson

Wild Heart Teacher Spotlight: Kelsey Gustafson

When I learned how to paint for the process not the product, my entire life began to become art. I became less afraid and more curious. I could dance with my shadow and question my own taboos. I began to see that so much of what limits me is cultural programming. I began to see that I have more agency and power than I ever realized. Painting from your soul is a liberatory and evolutionary process.

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Some New Year Wishes From My Heart To Yours

Some New Year Wishes From My Heart To Yours

Happy New Year to all my friends of the heart, spirit comrades, creative compatriots, alchemical allies, glitter artists, sacred fools for love, soul magicians and just all around amazing human beings.   Thanks for making 2018 so very full of wonder and laughter and...

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Trusting Our Way Through The Dark

Trusting Our Way Through The Dark

I recently spent a week feeling pretty bad. I was extremely depressed. And had zero energy.   In trying to make sense about where this onslaught of misery was coming from, there were a number of things I could point to. It’s been a crazy intense year. Lots of...

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Let’s Talk About Shadow Work

Let’s Talk About Shadow Work

My dear friend Andrea Schroeder of Creative Dream Incubator fame and I are offering an online workshop next Tuesday, December 4th entitled Gifts Of The Shadow. Wild Creative Momentum.   And since she is HERE with me at my studio this week ( YAY) we decided to make a...

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Inner Shadow Work and The Hunger For Approval

Inner Shadow Work and The Hunger For Approval

I’ve devoted my life ... both personally and professionally... to spiritual, psychological and creative healing. And I’ve learned a thing or two over many long years about what it means to heal and what it TAKES to heal. What I mean by healing is engaging in the...

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Finding Your Creative Medicine

Finding Your Creative Medicine

Medicine.   Whenever I think of that word, my first association is with something that tastes incredibly nasty, like castor oil ( yes, I’m old enough to remember castor oil) or the cringe in my mouth when I accidentally bite down on an antibiotic pill. I have...

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The Sacred Pact

The Sacred Pact

Once you are truly committed to a path of radical transformation, you are in for life.   You can SAY fuck it all you want when you hit the hard spots... and there WILL be hard spots.   Guaranteed.   In fact it can feel really good to say fuck it once in...

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