This painting process helps me follow my emotions (energy in motion) by painting stories of my childhood and adulthood which has simply transformed my life!… I’ve proven that I’m a strong survivor who believes that tragedy in life doesn’t define me. It has empowered me to find my authentic voice, encouraging me to speak my truth!
Creative Juices Arts Blog
Welcome to my blog page! I love writing about the healing power of the creative process. Here you will find a collection of all of my writing from all the way back to 2005! Enjoy!

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Chris Zydel
What Exactly IS Intuitive Painting?
What exactly is the Wild Heart Expressive Arts intuitive painting process? And how is it different from other ways of making of art? I get asked this question a lot because there’s some honest confusion about what it even means to paint intuitively. And also a need...
Astro Wisdom: Pisces As Mystical Adventurer Of The Invisible Realms
Among the many professional hats that I wear… Wild Heart Queen, Wild Heart Painting Facilitator, Mentor, Creativity Soul Guide, Writer, Artist, Teacher, Creative Entrepreneur… I am also an Evolutionary Astrologer. And one of the aspects of my work that brings me...
Happiness Is A Warm Glue Gun… And A Full Paint Palette…Keeping Your JOY And Your Creativity Front And Center In Your Life
I have been on a quest lately to find out what it is that truly makes me happy. I’m trying to learn to tell the difference between the considerable fulfillment I experience when I am being productive and simple, straightforward happiness. I have actually had them very...
How To Know If The Wild Heart Expressive Arts Teacher Training Program Is Right For YOU.
I’m having SO much fun talking with various truly incredible women about my upcoming Wild Heart Expressive Teacher Training that begins in May. And I’m also getting lots of questions about the program through these conversations. So I thought I would address some of...
Giving Yourself Permission To Want What You Want
When I stepped into the role of facilitating psychological, spiritual and emotional healing for others so many, many moons ago I mostly worked with women. I STILL work primarily with women. And I AM a woman. (And just to be clear, I am defining woman as anyone who...
Wild Heart Teacher Spotlight: Kelsey Gustafson
When I learned how to paint for the process not the product, my entire life began to become art. I became less afraid and more curious. I could dance with my shadow and question my own taboos. I began to see that so much of what limits me is cultural programming. I began to see that I have more agency and power than I ever realized. Painting from your soul is a liberatory and evolutionary process.
Astro Wisdom: Aquarius As A Revolutionary Force Of Liberation + Radical Change
As we get closer to the end of the zodiac things start to get a little weird. And Aquarius is the harbinger of that weirdness. We’re no longer in the land of the tried and true. And this is exactly the place where Aquarius most likes to play. Aquarians are genius...
A Brief and Rousing History Of The Wild Heart Expressive Arts Teacher Training Program
Eleven years ago I opened the doors to my very first Wild Heart Expressive Arts Teacher Training Program. To say I was completely terrified would have been an understatement. But there was something greater at work than just terror as I made the announcement to the...
Some Things I Learned About Letting Go, Creating More and Allowing Change in 2018
Greetings to all you wondrous creatives, We have dipped our toes into the waters of 2019 with a whole new year spreading out before us like a blank canvas of magical possibility. But I often forget that at this time of year in the Northern Hemisphere we are still...
Wild Heart Teacher Spotlight: Monica Garcia
The process has helped me to be more present with myself, to feel what I need to feel, and to be free to cast off who I thought I should be to become who I truly am. This influence has informed my parenting, my relationships, my business—truly every part of my life.
Some New Year Wishes From My Heart To Yours
Happy New Year to all my friends of the heart, spirit comrades, creative compatriots, alchemical allies, glitter artists, sacred fools for love, soul magicians and just all around amazing human beings. Thanks for making 2018 so very full of wonder and laughter and...
Some Wishes And Prayers For You During This Season Of Darkness And Light
Holidays are always such a mixed bag for folks. Especially this one where we’re supposed to be all merry and cheery. And if you ARE genuinely feeling merry and cheery I party with you joyfully! But maybe today is no big deal and if that’s the case,...
Astro Wisdom: Capricorn as Wise Manifesting Elder
When Capricorn appears on the scene it's time to get to work. Capricorn is the archetype associated with a driveness to make an indelible mark on the world. Capricorn knows that this third dimension is wholly malleable to the power of intention and focus. That we can...
Trusting Our Way Through The Dark
I recently spent a week feeling pretty bad. I was extremely depressed. And had zero energy. In trying to make sense about where this onslaught of misery was coming from, there were a number of things I could point to. It’s been a crazy intense year. Lots of...
Let’s Talk About Shadow Work
My dear friend Andrea Schroeder of Creative Dream Incubator fame and I are offering an online workshop next Tuesday, December 4th entitled Gifts Of The Shadow. Wild Creative Momentum. And since she is HERE with me at my studio this week ( YAY) we decided to make a...
Shadow, Shame and Reclaiming Your Creative Self
As promised from my last post I wanted to explore the TYPES of things that we put in our shadow box. The truth of it is that it can be ANYTHING. But one thing that all residents of the box have in common is that they are a result of feeling shamed. Which is how they...
Astro Wisdom: Sagittarius As Fiery Adventurer Into Truth
As we move even further into the deep dark of the year ( at least in the Northern Hemisphere) we need a sizzling source of blazing light. And spirited Sagittarius is here to lead the way. Sagittarius is the sign of the freedom loving adventuress. She is infused...
Inner Shadow Work and The Hunger For Approval
I’ve devoted my life ... both personally and professionally... to spiritual, psychological and creative healing. And I’ve learned a thing or two over many long years about what it means to heal and what it TAKES to heal. What I mean by healing is engaging in the...
Astro Wisdom: Scorpio As Transformational Shadow Diver
Among the many professional hats that I wear... Wild Heart Queen, Wild Heart Painting Facilitator, Mentor, Creativity Soul Guide, Writer, Artist, Teacher, Creative Entrepreneur... I am also an Evolutionary Astrologer. And one of the aspects of my work that brings me...
Finding Your Creative Medicine
Medicine. Whenever I think of that word, my first association is with something that tastes incredibly nasty, like castor oil ( yes, I’m old enough to remember castor oil) or the cringe in my mouth when I accidentally bite down on an antibiotic pill. I have...
It’s really OK to simply let something shitty be shitty
I know it’s been a rough couple of weeks for so many of us on an emotional level. So I just wanted to offer you a bit of handholding, a lot of commiseration and some virtual pie. It's really OK to simply let something shitty be shitty. Crappy things don't...
Sacred Rage: Reclaiming Our Primal Power To Speak Our Emotional Truth
Earlier this week I sat in circle with 5 other women at my Creative Juices Arts studio. And everyone spoke to the feelings of rage that were being unearthed because of Christine Blasey Fords testimony about her sexual assault at the hands of Brett Kavanaugh. One...
Astro Wisdom: Libra As Relationship Artist And Beauty Creatrix
Among the many professional hats that I wear... Wild Heart Queen, Wild Heart Painting Facilitator, Mentor, Creativity Soul Guide, Writer, Artist, Teacher, Creative Entrepreneur... I am also an Evolutionary Astrologer. And one of the aspects of my work that...
Finding The Creative Courage To Enter Into Our Own Personal Underworld
It takes a lot of bravery to explore our inner underworld. Those places inside our souls and psyches that harbor our shame and our pain and our most difficult emotions. It’s scary down there in those dark recesses of what we have tried for so long to keep hidden. Even...
The Sacred Pact
Once you are truly committed to a path of radical transformation, you are in for life. You can SAY fuck it all you want when you hit the hard spots... and there WILL be hard spots. Guaranteed. In fact it can feel really good to say fuck it once in...
It Doesn’t Matter…
It doesn't matter if you made some choices that did not turn out the way you expected them too. If you ended up feeling disappointed. Or like you failed. It doesn't matter if you promised yourself that you would stop doing something or start. And then you didn't. Or...