Greetings to my beloved Wild Heart Creative Community, I have another round of my online intuitive painting class, Painting With Fire, coming up in a little more than a week and as much as that class is about claiming the freedom to make art in your own way,...
Creative Juices Arts Blog
Welcome to my blog page! I love writing about the healing power of the creative process. Here you will find a collection of all of my writing from all the way back to 2005! Enjoy!

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The Practice Of Radical Self Acceptance During Times Of Radical Upheaval
There’s no right way or wrong way to respond to the tragedy and destruction, turmoil, crisis and devastation that is our world right now. Some of us are prayers. Some of us are doers. Some of us respond with startling immediacy. Some of us need time and space for the...
Some Tips On The Messy, Challenging Process Of Dismantling An Old Life
I’m getting to the end of the dismantling process with my Creative Juices Arts Studio, ( i.e. The Mothership ) as the world around me goes through it’s own process of disassembling and breaking down. Which I am finding weirdly comforting, because I feel so much...
How Long Have YOU Been Putting Off Your Hunger To Create?
I recently had a conversation with a beloved long time student who I hadn’t seen in awhile. We were reminiscing aout the first time we met about 15 years ago when a friend of hers brought her to one of my weeklong wild heart painting retreats. And she shared...
Inner Critic Got You Down? Here’s Some Tips To Help You Find Creative Freedom Again
In all my years of teaching the intuitive painting process and helping people get more creative, the biggest ongoing issue I’ve seen that keeps folks blocked, stuck and unable to be creatively free, is the inability to deal effectively with the inner voice of...
The End Of An Era: Saying Goodbye To My Creative Juices Arts Oakland Studio
Twenty-five years ago in May of 1995 I was going through my own private world shaking time of upheaval and change. I had just ended a long term intimate relationship, made a professional decision to not pursue licensure as a psychotherapist after...
Astro Wisdom: The Wild Planetary Death and Rebirth Ride Of 2020
Greetings my beloved wild hearted creators, As many of you know I’m an astrologer which means that I use astrology not only for my own personal growth but also to track larger cultural trends. And in December of 2019 there was a conjunction between Pluto ( the planet...
A Compassionately Creative Guide To Doing Your Shadow Work Around Internalized Racism
Greetings my beloved wild hearted creators, My creative mission this lifetime is devoting myself to the process of engaging in ongoing inner psychological, emotional and spiritual healing work. And the core of that work is a commitment to facing my unconscious...
However You Are Responding To These Times Is MORE Than Enough
Greetings my dear and wondrous creatives, Once again I am writing to you from this wild place of so much uncertainty and a radically transformed world. As always my heart goes out to you wherever you are physically, emotionally and spiritually and sending love and...
Astro Wisdom: Taurus As An Invitation Into Sacred Embodiment
As spring explodes in a riot of color and growth and the sheer exuberance of living things it heralds the season of the astrological sign of Taurus. Taurus’s evolutionary purpose is to reconnect us to the sweetness of life on this luscious green and blue planet. To...
Creative Wisdom: How And What To Trust When Your World Turns Upside Down
Greetings, Dearest Wild Heart Creator, I’m writing to you from my wildly colorful home, five weeks into the sheltering in place directive with another edition of Creativity In The Time Of Quarantine. I think of you all often and hope you are navigating this weird and...
Wild Heart Teacher Spotlight: Becky Fowler
At this point over 100 amazing women have gone through my Wild Heart Expressive Arts Teacher Training Program. I love them ALL so dearly and, like the proud creative mama that I am, want to show off their incredible wisdom, power and creative genius to the...
The Space Between Worlds: Activating Intuition and Navigating The Unknown
It’s been almost two weeks since the shelter in place order was given to those of us in the San Francisco Bay Area. And my first response was to launch into a flurry of activity. Offering free Creative Courage webinars. Putting my weekly in-person classes on a digital...
Astro Wisdom: Uranus In Taurus As Harbinger Of Radical and Unsettling Change
I know that a LOT of us are feeling over the top, uber excruciating anxiety lately because of all the incredible upheaval and turmoil on our planet right now. And some folks have asked what might be going on astrologically to activate these turbulent times. So here’s...
From My Heart To Yours In This Time Of Uncertainty
Greetings to my wondrous and wild hearted creative clan, Well, it’s been almost a week since we have been in voluntary quarantine and sheltering in place here in the San Francisco, Bay Area due to the Corona Virus. And among other things it still seems totally...
Creative Courage: The Art Of Staying Centered In Challenging Times
Greetings to my wondrous and wild hearted creative clan, Whoa! What a harrowing roller coaster of a ride this past week has been! Trying to navigate our way through this scary tangled thicket of the CoronaVirus and all the ramifications it presents has got all...
Why Having A Creative Community Is Essential To Knowing What You Want
I just recently returned from holding my first creativity retreat of 2020 at Bodega Sky Ranch and was reminded once again why I have made retreats the cornerstone of my work. The women… and it’s almost always women… who attend my events come for many reasons. At this...
Wild Heart Teacher Spotlight: Diana Fisch
At this point over 98 amazing women have gone through my Wild Heart Expressive Arts Teacher Training Program. I love them ALL so dearly and, like the proud creative mama that I am, want to show off their incredible wisdom, power and creative genius to the world. So...
14 Really Wrong Myths Around What It Means To Be Creative
1.) Only certain special highly gifted people are creative. 2.) Creativity is a rarefied quality which you are either born with or not. 3.) Not everyone is creative. 4.) Creativity needs to be learned or taught. 5.) Creativity can be graded or quantified. 6.)...
How To Be Creative, Feed Your Soul, + Love Your Life In 2020
If you are part of my Creative Juices Arts community either by having painted with me in a class or on retreat or even just reading this blog, it’s a pretty good bet that creativity is high on your list of priorities. But even when that’s the case, it can still be...
Wild Heart Intuitive Painting Online with Chris Zydel
Come and join me for an intimate and powerful experience of intuitive painting by being part of a sacred creative circle of courageous wild hearted painters ONLINE! I have three different opportunities available for you to paint with me in this online format. And each...
What A Long, Strange Trip It’s Been: Reflections On A Decade Of Creative Transformation
It’s that time of the year when everything is in that space of being in-between. The old year is not quite over. The new one has not yet begun. Normal routines are on a kind of hiatus. There’s a feeling of pause. And waiting. And that period of pause can bring with it...
Why I Don’t Believe In The Whole Idea Of Bad Art
When I was a kid I absolutely adored Christmas. I loved the twinkly lights and the schmaltzy music but most of all I loved that sense of anticipation and wonder and surprise. My family and I lived in a rowhouse that had three stories and two flights of stairs....
Why We Need Your Creativity Now More Than Ever
Whether we like it or not, we humans are on the verge of a huge transformation. We are at a collective crossroads where a lot of things need to change in terms of what we think and believe and how we live our lives on a day to day basis. And most of what has to die...
How Women’s Creativity Circles Can Save Your Life
I just returned from another fabulous week with my current cohort of Wild Heart Expressive Arts Teacher Training students and the creative energy was completely OFF THE CHARTS! And being part of yet another magical healing circle of women made me think about...
The Pain In The Ass Truth About Creative Dream Manifestation
I have been very fortunate to have lived a life full of my own creations. It’s the way of the artist and I’m grateful every day that I chose that path. But there’s a myth floating around out there in the dominant culture collective brain that says choosing to do the...
The Courage To Be Real When You Don’t Know What’s Next
My work in the world has everything to do with cultivating freedom of expression. I have devoted my life to spreading the gospel of trusting in your ability to connect with your deepest intuitive wisdom through the creative process. And finding personal and collective...