In my role as an intuitive painting facilitator and guide I am deeply dedicated to the principals and practices of the Wild Heart Expressive Arts Intuitive Painting process. And one of those practices is the invitation to complete any painting that you start...
Creative Juices Arts Blog
Welcome to my blog page! I love writing about the healing power of the creative process. Here you will find a collection of all of my writing from all the way back to 2005! Enjoy!

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Creative Process
Painting Ourselves Whole
My husband, life and business partner in all things creative, Tim Lajoie, has been writing more and more these days and this post is written by him. I’m so enjoying how his wise perspective is contributing to the conversation about this powerful expressive arts...
The Promise of a New Box of Paints!
It finally arrived! I had been waiting all morning, checking my phone, tracking the number of stops until it got here and then, “cuh-thunk”, the satisfying thud of a heavy box unceremoniously dropped on our front porch. I pulled the box inside and grabbed a knife to...
Some Wishes And Prayers For You During This Season Of Darkness And Light
Some Wishes And Prayers For You During This Season Of Darkness And Light Holidays are always such a mixed bag for folks. Especially this one where we’re supposed to be all merry and cheery. And if you ARE genuinely feeling merry and cheery I party with you...
The Inner Critic and The Art Police
In the Wild Heart Expressive Arts approach to intuitive painting and art-making we are in a continual dance of trying to navigate our relationship to the judging mind also known as the inner critic. I’m defining the inner critic as the part of our psyche that is...
An Invocation To The Glories Of The Unknown
What I sell is the unknown. I make it safe for people to explore the invisible, to not know what they are doing or why they are doing it and trusting that it's OK to do it anyway. I give people permission to do away with stories. With explanations. With understanding....
Some Notes & Musings On The Creative Process
I’m pretty sure it will come as a surprise to NO one to hear that I spend a lot of my time thinking about creativity. I’m endlessly curious about what it is, how it works, what gets in the way of its full expression and what helps to keep us in creative flow. So today...
Radical Self Acceptance: The Key To Creative Freedom + Flow
When people come to work with me one of the first things I tell them is that this intuitive painting process is an exercise in Radical Self Acceptance. And everyone who hears that invitation nods their heads in agreement. I mean, who WOULDN’T give a huge...
Generosity As A Portal To Creative Flow
Generosity and Creative Flow Helping people become more creatively expressive is my mission in life. And I've learned a few things about what works to keep your creativity, which is really another way of saying your life force, operating at its full and fulfilling...
INTUITION and The Invitation To Adventure Into The Unknown
Our rational, logical and linear mind is more limited than we are led to believe. There are many times in our lives when we need to make choices or decisions and just don’t have enough information from the visible world to take confident action. And when that...
Learning To Trust Your Intuition As Your Own Personal Oracle
Greetings to my beloved Wild Heart Creative Community, I have another round of my online intuitive painting class, Painting With Fire, coming up in a few more days and as much as that class is about claiming the freedom to make art in your own way, it’s just as much...
Your Intuition Is Your Portal To Your Inner Wisdom
Greetings to my beloved Wild Heart Creative Community, I have another round of my online intuitive painting class, Painting With Fire, coming up in a little more than a week and as much as that class is about claiming the freedom to make art in your own way, it’s just...
Is Your Relationship With Your Intuition All You Want It To Be?
Greetings to my beloved Wild Heart Creative Community, I have another round of my online intuitive painting class, Painting With Fire, coming up in a little more than a week and as much as that class is about claiming the freedom to make art in your own way,...
Inner Critic Got You Down? Here’s Some Tips To Help You Find Creative Freedom Again
In all my years of teaching the intuitive painting process and helping people get more creative, the biggest ongoing issue I’ve seen that keeps folks blocked, stuck and unable to be creatively free, is the inability to deal effectively with the inner voice of...
The Space Between Worlds: Activating Intuition and Navigating The Unknown
It’s been almost two weeks since the shelter in place order was given to those of us in the San Francisco Bay Area. And my first response was to launch into a flurry of activity. Offering free Creative Courage webinars. Putting my weekly in-person classes on a digital...
Why I Don’t Believe In The Whole Idea Of Bad Art
When I was a kid I absolutely adored Christmas. I loved the twinkly lights and the schmaltzy music but most of all I loved that sense of anticipation and wonder and surprise. My family and I lived in a rowhouse that had three stories and two flights of stairs....
The Courage To Be Real When You Don’t Know What’s Next
My work in the world has everything to do with cultivating freedom of expression. I have devoted my life to spreading the gospel of trusting in your ability to connect with your deepest intuitive wisdom through the creative process. And finding personal and collective...
At The Core Of All Resistance Is a Deep Longing
At the core of all resistance is a deep longing. There’s something that you want. And you want it bad. But you’re afraid to let yourself really want it because you imagine that you will be disappointed. You don’t think you can bear the disappointment....
Wild Heart Wisdom: Create As You Like And Live Happy
I just returned from another of my fabulous Wild Heart Painting extravaganzas in the High Sierras, which is one of my favorite places in the whole world to not only lead retreats but to get recharged and nourished by the gorgeous land and stunning mountainous...
It’s Never Too Late To Heal An Artists Broken Heart
I have been on a mission for many years now to help people reach their full creative potential. Which can mean different things for different folks. But what I am trying to help others avoid is living their lives without being creative if in their hearts it’s...
Creative Self Expression. Being Seen With Love. And Healing Shame
I just returned from a week long expressive arts teacher training and was once again, SERIOUSLY blown away by the magic that happens when you bring a group of creatively courageous souls together, ask them to go to their creative, emotional and spiritual edges with...
Intuitive Painting As The Practice Of Radical Self Acceptance + Embracing Your WHOLE Self
In my most recent blog post I explored some basic concepts that are the foundation of the Wild Heart Expressive Arts Intuitive Painting Process. And if you missed it, you can read that article here. In that article, I talked a lot about what Wild Heart Expressive Arts...
Happiness Is A Warm Glue Gun… And A Full Paint Palette…Keeping Your JOY And Your Creativity Front And Center In Your Life
I have been on a quest lately to find out what it is that truly makes me happy. I’m trying to learn to tell the difference between the considerable fulfillment I experience when I am being productive and simple, straightforward happiness. I have actually had them very...
Why You Should NEVER Believe Someone Telling You That You Are Too Much
I was recently having a conversation with one of my beloved students when she stopped me in my tracks with a lovely acknowledgement. She said to me: “You know the reason that I chose you for my teacher is that you REALLY mean it when you say that you support me 100%...
What Does It Mean To Become A Wise Creative Woman?
When I told my husband that I had decided to write an article about the positive aspects of women and aging he said, only half jokingly: “That’s going to be a very short post.” He made that statement with love, based on witnessing me struggling with a whole multitude...