The Sun recently went into the sign of Virgo... one of my favorite signs since I AM a Virgo. And right now I think we need ALL the Virgo energy we can get. It’s a sign that is often misunderstood. So I want to take a few moments to talk about the deeper more esoteric...
Creative Juices Arts Blog
Welcome to my blog page! I love writing about the healing power of the creative process. Here you will find a collection of all of my writing from all the way back to 2005! Enjoy!

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Chris Zydel
The True Meaning Of Transformation… and Why It Always Feels SO Hard To Make Those Shifts
I’ve got transformation on the brain since I just got back from week two of my AMAZING teacher training program with some of the most incredibly bad ass, creatively alive women on the planet. My teacher training is divided up into four in-person retreats. And every...
Why You Should NEVER Believe Someone Telling You That You Are Too Much
I was recently having a conversation with one of my beloved students when she stopped me in my tracks with a lovely acknowledgement. She said to me: “You know the reason that I chose you for my teacher is that you REALLY mean it when you say that you support me 100%...
Why The Inner Critic Does What It Does
It has always seemed so unfair that opening to my creative muse immediately whips my judging mind into a frenzy of activity. For a long while it was a puzzle to me. It didn’t make any sense as to why I would be so crippled by fear and doubt whenever I was inspired to...
How To Welcome A True Spiritual ( and creative) Breakthrough
When a true spiritual breakthrough is imminent, our soul will let us know that it is time through an experience of suffering. We will find ourselves in a place of distress that often has no discernible source. We just know that we’re miserable, hurting and...
Celebrating Our Superpowers
Recently, in one of my sacred creativity circles, a women shared about how flabbergasted she was when she heard me nonchalantly talk about my superpowers without apology, justification or disclaimer and without it being a big deal. Like it was the most natural...
Creativity Lives In The Body
Perfectionism lives in the mind. The place of creative refuge is always in our body. When perfectionism comes on the scene frustration is not far behind. If you find yourself spinning out into mental anxiety around creating the RIGHT way, simply breathe your...
What You REALLY Need If You Want To Be Creative
One of the biggest lies around the creative process is that we have to be in a magical state of inspiration in order to create. This fantasy state is some combination of bright eyed and bushy tailed excitement, uber confidence and feeling an unbroken connection...
Why Is It SO Hard To Keep The Magic Alive After A Transformational Retreat?
I recently returned from an incredibly transformative week with my newest group of teacher training students. And was once again struck by the power of this work to make significant changes in people's lives. Through this Wild Heart Expressive Arts Process...
Wild Heart Painting Retreat In The High Sierras
I just returned from spending a mind bending and heart opening week facilitating the Wild Heart Expressive Arts Intuitive Painting Process with a bunch of amazing creative folks in a GORGEOUS natural environment. And I am reminded once again about the...
Dealing With Dissolving: Navigational Wisdom For When Your Life Is Falling Apart
I just came back from a ten day journey to my beloved Southwest, where I got replenished and re nourished from spending time BATHING in the energy of that ancient red rock universe. One of the things that feeds me so deeply in that landscape is the incredibly...
Becoming Priestess: An Invitation Into Radical Self Love
I am a person who has spent her life trying to heal the hurting places in women. Starting with myself. I want women to feel powerful. To have agency in their lives.To be full of their own light and shining goodness. To bring that goodness out in the world where it can...
The Long And Winding Road of Learning To Surrender To My Creative Muse
I have a confession to make. In writing this blog I talk a lot about the creative process which makes it sound like it’s something that’s kind of abstract. Or at least part of the workings of my own mind. Which isn’t exactly the truth. I’ve been avoiding telling the...
What Does It Mean To Become A Wise Creative Woman?
When I told my husband that I had decided to write an article about the positive aspects of women and aging he said, only half jokingly: “That’s going to be a very short post.” He made that statement with love, based on witnessing me struggling with a whole multitude...
More Than Pretty: Intuitive Painting + Redefining Beauty
When people talk to me about why they hesitate to come to a wild heart intuitive painting class I hear two concerns voiced over and over again. The first one is the fear that they will stand in front of a blank sheet of paper for the duration of the class and NOTHING...
Hiding In Plain Sight: Shame As The Secret Path To Discovering Your Innate Superpowers
I am a total fantasy, magic and science fiction movie and television buff. Some of my favorite TV shows are Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Firefly and The Magicians, and the films I tend to watch over and over again are things like The Matrix, Star Wars, the Harry Potter...
My Wish And Prayer For You In This Season Of Dark And Light
Holidays are always such a mixed bag for folks. Especially this one where we’re supposed to be all merry and cheery. And if you ARE genuinely feeling merry and cheery I party with you joyfully! But maybe today is no big deal and if that’s the case, rock on! Maybe...
Out With The Old. In With The New. Rebirth Out Of The Fiery Rubble.
As any of you know who have been following me for awhile... and to catch up those of you who are new to my world... I have been on a journey into the underworld these past few months. That journey was precipitated by the loss of two of the major retreat centers where...
The Tender and Tumultuous Journey Of Losing What You Love
To say that these past few months have been a whirlwind of transformation in my life is more than an understatement. In September, because of some major policy changes on their end, I decided to end my 18 year relationship with the Ghost Ranch Conference Center where...
Letting Go Of The Need To Be Perfectly Healed
The Guest House This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they're a crowd of sorrows, who violently...
After The Sonoma County Fires: Love, Loss and Navigating The Groundlessness Of Being
It’s been more than three weeks and I’ve still been dealing with the aftermath of the devastating Sonoma County fires and the loss of my beloved Mountain Home Ranch retreat center where I’ve held so many of my Wild Heart Painting workshops over the past seventeen...
Liberation and Loss: Calling In The Goddesses and Saying Goodbye To Mountain Home Ranch
I was sincerely hoping that the month of October would be a little calmer after the intensity of September, but apparently that was not meant to be. I held my 4th Inner Art Of Goddess Creation retreat at my Oakland studio beginning Friday of last week. And the work we...
*NEW* Wild Heart Painting ONLINE Classes
I know that a lot of people would love to paint with me and experience the healing soul magic of this Wild Heart Expressive Arts Intuitive Painting process directly. But since most of my offerings are in-person events it’s not always possible to get yourself to where...
Saying Goodbye to Ghost Ranch: An Ode To Love, Land and Letting Go
I've been on my annual pilgrimage to the Southwest for the past three weeks and as always had many wondrous adventures in the high desert landscapes that I love so much. This pilgrimage has been part of my personal yearly cycle for the past 18 years. Every September...
The Art Of Breaking Through Your Creative Joy Ceiling
There is an issue that comes up again and again and again in my many painting circles, which is the idea that happiness and joy and ease and pleasure are not REAL spiritual and emotional work. And not to be taken seriously. Because of this belief, there’s an impulse...
Field Guide Through The Transformation Blues
Transformation is one of those things that sounds really good in theory. And that’s because what people are focused on is what happens on the other side of a change they are envisioning. They get excited thinking about how fabulous it’s going to feel to be at...
What Does It Take For You To Know That Your Creativity Is Enough?
Early on in my Wild Heart Expressive Arts Teacher Training program I had a magical experience through one of my students. During this five day intensive each student took a three hour block of time and presented and facilitated an expressive arts class that...