Brushes and Stars
An Online Astrology & Intuitive Painting
Workshop with Chris Zydel and Theresa Reed
Does this sound like you?
You are creative and would like to give yourself more time for creative expression.
At times, you feel deeply connected to your intuition (and you’d like to experience that in an even bigger way).
You are compelled to explore the inner world of your soul and psyche.
Astrology fascinates you.
So does art making.
Take a moment and visualize this:
- A full day of creative play – and astrology fun.
- Two world class instructors – both astrologers – guiding you to tap into your sixth sense, creative juices, and astrological make-up.
- Meditation and a circle of like-minded soulful star-loving explorers…just like you.
This isn’t a fantasy. It’s the real deal – and it’s happening in 2024!
Join Chris Zydel of Creative Juices Arts and Theresa Reed,The Tarot Lady, for Brushes and Stars, a day filled with intuitive insights, deep healing, creative prompts, artistic play, and astrology.

What you can expect…
We’ll start the workshop with a sacred circle that includes a meditation, creating a sense of supportive community and intention setting.
From there, it’s time to learn about intuition, how it works and how to develop a more trusting relationship with it.
This will be followed by teachings about the astrological Nodes Of The Moon.
We will be exploring questions like:
- What are they?
- What do they mean?
- Why are they important?
- How do they show up in your life?
- What is the unique healing journey you are on as reflected by your nodes?
We’ll spend a little time learning about expressive arts and the intuitive painting process and what it means to allow your intuition to be expressed through making art.
And then through tapping into your intuition you’ll paint your internal experience of your unique nodal story. As you allow the brush to guide you, you’ll also be getting one-on-one attention from Chris and Theresa.
We’ll help you go deep into the painting as you explore the nodes of your moon via the creative process and feeling into the creative tension between the North and South Node.
As you work on your painting, you’ll explore your evolutionary goal using what you’ve learned about the nodes.
- How are you expressing your South Node?
- What are your familiar habits, patterns, beliefs and routines?
- How does your North Node show up in your life?
- Where are you being called to stretch and take risks and challenge yourself to grow?
- How can you get these two potent astro forces to work together?
Soon, you’ll uncover how the nodes are influencing the way you show up in the world – and we’ll talk about what this means for you as well as how to work with the energy to max out your star sign potential.
By the time we’re done, you’ll have a painting that you’ll treasure, a better understanding of your astrological makeup and a whole lot of “aha” moments.
(Psst…you don’t need to know ONE thing about astrology or painting to participate. Beginners are joyfully welcomed!)
If this sounds like your kind of astro-party, get your hands on a ticket before they disappear faster than a comet:
What you get…
- A full day of instruction in art and astrology
- We will email you a copy of your Astrology chart.
- Loads of love ‘n support
What you will need…
Birth Information
And, we will also need your birth date, time of day, and location to generate your astrology chart to email to you. You will be able to enter this information below in the registration form. If you don’t know your birth time you may be able to find it on your birth certificate. If you don’t know where to find it you can check this page: How To Find Your Birth Certificate
If you are unable to find your birth time don’t worry. You can still get a lot from the class and we will generate a chart for you so please join. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to us.
Art Supplies
First of all, absolutely NO art experience, skill or training is required to take this class. Beginners are totally welcome. We will be using the creative process as a way to access and strenghten our relationship to intuition. The focus will be on the creative process and NOT the creative product. And the intention is for you to explore, experiment and have fun.
BUT… you will need some art materials to participate and a table, easel or someplace in your house where you can make art undisturbed. Our suggestion is to do the easiest thing possible and simply use whatever you have on hand. What we recommend is a large pad of unlined paper and some type of visual art supplies. You can choose to use ANY kind of paint ( acrylic, tempera, oils, watercolors), brushes if you’re using paint, or art marker pens, oil or chalk pastels or colored pens or pencils. If you DON’T have any art supplies, or just want an excuse to buy some NEW ones, we’ve provided you with some suggestions and links, at a couple of different price points, where you can purchase the necessary creative paraphernalia.
Technical Requirements
Before signing up, please check to make sure that the computer, phone, or device you will be using to access the Zoom video conferencing platform meets their minimum requirements. You can find that information by following the link below. At a minimum you will need a computer or device with:
- An internet connection
- A webcam
- A pair of headphones or speakers
- A microphone
Stop dreaming, start creating & seeing your intuition unfold.
Brushes & Stars 2024
An Intuitive Painting and Astrology Workshop
with Theresa Reed and Chris Zydel, 2024
Dates: Saturday, February 17, 2024
Times: 9am – 4pm (PST) with an hour lunch break in the middle
Location: Online via Zoom
Brushes and Stars 2024 is now full. Please sign up for our newsletter to be notified of future events!
Policies, Disclaimers, and Agreements
Cancellation Policy
All deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable. If you have chosen to register with a deposit, an electronic invoice will be sent to you to be paid 60 days prior to the event. If you cancel before 60 days of the start of the event we will refund any amount you have paid in excess of the deposit minus a $25 processing fee. If you cancel within 60 days of an event, full payment of any and all remaining costs for the workshop, lodging, meals, taxes, and other fees will be due immediately. All payments are non-transferrable to other services, events, or workshops. Note that some of the retreat centers we work with may have additional cancellation policies that you will need to abide by.
Lodging is offered for some but not all of our events depending on the type of event and venue so please check the event details for lodging options and specifics. For those events where lodging is offered there are limited lodging options so we strongly encourage you to choose something that you feel meets your needs for comfort as well as expense for the entire event as you will not be able to change your lodging during the event.
We try to make sure that all amounts for lodging, taxes, and fees are accurate when you register. However, a venue may change their prices without notice and you will be required to pay the full amount to the venue for lodging, taxes, or fees that may change after you register.
Vegetarian, dairy free, and gluten free meal options are generally available at our events upon request with at least 30 day advanced notice. Other dietary concerns or issues may be accommodated for an extra fee and at least 30 day advanced notice. We cannot not guarantee that every food issue can be accommodated so please contact us regarding your specific concerns.
We try to make sure that all amounts for meals, taxes, and fees are accurate when you register. However, meal prices are subject to change without notice and you will be required to pay the full amount for meals, taxes, or fees that may change after you register.
Art Supplies
Unless otherwise noted, all necessary art supplies will be provided at our live in-person events. We provide non-toxic water soluble paints and paper. The materials that we supply are chosen to enhance the intuitive process and your direct experience of creativity instead of emphasizing the outcome or product. You may bring your own additional water soluble non-toxic personal supplies such as brushes, colored pencils, or chalk pastels if you choose. However, please note that we do not allow oil paints, acrylic paints, spray paint, solvents or any toxic or permanent materials at any of our events. In addition, we do not allow loose glitter at any of our events due to the work and expense involved in clean up. If you plan on bringing additional art supplies not listed above please contact us before registering.
Alcohol & Drug Policy
All of our events, trainings, and workshops are intended to be healing experiences. Your successful participation in any of our events requires that you show up fully to yourself, your feelings, your creative process, your inner life and other members of the circle in a respectful and meaningful way. As a result we do not tolerate the use of alcohol or recreational drugs during the event. Our expectation is that you will not drink alcohol or use any other kind of recreational drug during the time that we are together so that we can all be focused on healing, learning and growing. If it comes to our attention that you are abusing alcohol or drugs during one of our events you will be asked to leave immediately without a refund or credit.
Non-participants and Pets
We do not allow pets, friends, relatives, or other people to stay with you during our time together as they can be a distraction for you and other attendees that will keep you from focusing and participating fully in the event.
Health and Wellness Issues
We support and will accommodate those with special needs to the degree that we are able. However, you must fully disclose any health or mental health related issues that might interfere with your attendance or participation at any of our events. We expect that you will be able to take full responsibility for yourself and will follow any and all doctor's recommendations regarding medications, treatment plans, or other health guidance. Failure to do so in a way that puts yourself or others at risk will result in you being asked to leave the event immediately without a refund or credit. We do not provide nursing or psychiatric care services at our events. Please communicate all of your relevant health needs with us before registering.
Fragrances and Scents
Our events are not strictly fragrance free. However, for the comfort and health of ourselves and of all of our attendees, we request that you don’t wear perfumes or use other heavily scented products. If you have any concerns about scents or fragrances please contact us before registering.
By registering and attending one of our events you agree to abide by all of these policies.

Reccomended Readings

A fun and sassy no-nonsense invitation to the practice of astrology with easy-to-understand tools for self-development and conscious living.
Once you learn the basics in Astrology for Real Life, you can easily navigate the cosmos by making them work for you. It’s kind of like a roadmap where we begin by understanding the terrain and the tools available. From there, the planets will guide you in making brave, excellent choices in love, work, and life. It’s profound, fun, and practical. You’ll learn how to interpret your chart with confidence and use astrology in a practical, proactive way, with no astro excuses (blaming the stars for your issues).

by Chris Zydel
Conversations with the Brush is a wildly entertaining and inspirational journey into examining the question of how to become more creatively free and alive using intuitive painting and the expressive arts. It’s also a deep investigation into the cultural attitudes, unquestioned beliefs and emotional patterns that get in the way of fully embracing that creative freedom and aliveness. It’s a book of wisdom teachings about making art, trusting in your intuition and living a fully expressed creative life. To demonstrate these teachings it employs the time-honored tradition of story telling, based on actual conversations that the author has had between herself and her many students over the past twenty-five years of teaching. It also includes a deeper philosophical commentary on each of the stories that reflects upon the underlying creative issues that the stories bring to light and journal questions and creative prompts that allow the reader to engage with the stories as a psychological and spiritual inner-growth process in a more personally engaged and contemplative way.
Your Guides for the Journey
Theresa Reed (aka “The Tarot Lady”) has been a full-time Tarot card reader for close to 30 years. She is the author of The Tarot Coloring Book, an illustrated tour through the world of Tarot with coloring sheets for every card in the deck and Astrology for Real Life – A No B.S. Guide for the Astro Curious.
Chris Zydel ( aka “The Wild Heart Queen”), is head creative goddess at Creative Juices Arts. She has over 38 years of experience as a compassionate creativity guide and an unshakeable faith in the power of creativity to heal hearts and change lives. She knows deep in her bones that everyone is deeply, wonderfully and gloriously creative and is on a relentlessly love-soaked mission to prove that to the world.