How Do I Know If This Wild Heart Expressive Arts Teacher Training Program Is Right For Me?

by | Mar 3, 2023 | Articles | 0 comments

As Tim and I go through the process of interviewing folks for our upcoming teacher training program, we often get the question of how do I know if this Wild Heart Expressive Arts Teacher Training is right for me?

This is a HUGE question on a certain level because it feels like there’s so much at stake in taking this step. And sometimes what people focus on in trying to answer this question are logistical issues like: Will I be able to make money at this once I graduate? Can I make time in my busy life to actually DO the training? Is this training worth the significant financial outlay? 

Now all of these questions are valid and need to be considered. But the core question underlying all of them is really this: How does this training align with my overall vision for my life?

And another version of that is, What is the life I want to create? And will taking this training help me to achieve that goal? 

So here’s some things to consider as you ask yourself those questions. 

If you want to create a life where unabashed creative self expression and living from the wholeness of sacred source is at the center of your life, then this is the training for you. 

If you want a life where you are creating the conditions for other people to become fully and unapologetically themselves, then this training is for you.

If you want to be engaged in the holy work of reclaiming our full humanity and spiritual selves through making intuitive art, then this training is for you. 

If you want a life that challenges you to step more fully into your own creative power through taking on the role of fearless leader, inspiring teacher and wise creativity guide then this training is for you. 

If you want a life filled with the healing magic that happens when no holds barred permission is given for people’s souls to grow and creatively unfold, then this training is for you. 

If you want a life where you are creating powerfully transformative sacred community circles of healing and authenticity and permission to be fully alive, then this training is for you.

If you want a life filled with the joy of wild creative freedom and juicy creative flow then this training is for you. 

If you are hungry to challenge existing patriarchal systems through the power of intuitive art and to be a fiery force of creative liberation in the world, then this training is for you. 

If you are longing for a deeper sense of meaning and creative purpose in your life, then this training is for you. 

If you want to be part of the life affirming creative changes and radical awakening that this world so desperately needs right now, then this training is for you.

If you are ready to be supported in trusting your natural instincts, creative impulses and the wisdom of your intuition in a much bigger way, then this training is for you.

If you are yearning to learn how to live your life from the place of honoring the deep and ancient wisdom of your body, heart, spirit and emotions then this training is for you. 

If you are dedicated to being the creative catalyst that inspires and supports your students  in claiming their creative courage, their creative wildness and full creative power, then this training is for you. 

If you answered yes to many of these questions, then this training is for you.

All the rest is just logistics. 

If you would like to learn more about this program and set up a time to talk with us about how it might be a good fit for you, click on the yellow button below.




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