I have devoted my life to helping women heal and become more empowered through the magic of unfettered creative self expression. And am deeply honored to have been invited to participate in this gorgeous United Nations project, spearheaded by my dear creative soul...
Creative Juices Arts Blog
Welcome to my blog page! I love writing about the healing power of the creative process. Here you will find a collection of all of my writing from all the way back to 2005! Enjoy!
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The Deeper Emotional Truth About Resistance
Tomorrow is the day that my dear friend Andrea Schroeder of Creative Dream Incubator fame and I are going to be offering our online webinar class that we are calling Resistance RX: Magic Mojo for Much Creative Momentum. In preparation for the class I have been...
The Wisdom Of Resistance: Throwing Away Your Crappy Crystal Ball
At the core of all resistance is a deep longing. There’s something that you want. And you want it bad. But you’re afraid to let yourself really want it because you imagine that you will be...
Wild Heart Teachers Spotlight: Julie Stuart
I got to be even more real, to be truly seen, witnessed and accepted even when I was completely falling apart. I brought all of myself to the circle, the broken parts as well as the whole healed parts, and it felt so GOOD to just be able to BE and know that nothing needed to be fixed. That’s so liberating, healthy and freeing. I want everyone to feel what that’s like.
The Heart Protecting Power Of Resistance
I’m getting really excited about my two upcoming online classes Painting With Fire and Resistance Rx: Magic Mojo for Mucho Creative Momentum. And preparing myself for both of those classes has me thinking a lot about the topic of resistance as something that creative...
Cultivating A Council Of Wise Elders
During my last teacher training program, one of the younger women in the group announced that what she felt like she needed in her life was a council of elders. And she asked me if I would be willing to be part of that circle. Of course, I enthusiastically said yes....
Resistance RX: Magic Mojo For Mucho Creative Momentum
Andrea Schroeder is one of my ALL- TIME favorite creative peeps and continually inspires me on a regular basis. She is wise and courageous and funny and wildly creative. I consider myself incredibly lucky to count her as a dear, dear friend. We meet up regularly for...
How To Know If You Are Really An Artist
In my intuitive painting classes and workshops I always create talking circles where people can take a few minutes to share about what I like to call their "point of greatest aliveness". And one of the most beautiful and poignant moments in these containers of trust...
Banking On Love
I am still pretty old school about a lot of things ( given that I AM a certified elder at 63 years of age) and one of those things is around my banking practices. I actually GO to the bank 2-4 times a month to deposit checks, withdraw money, pay various bills and the...
The Winner! Spectrum 2016 – Expressive Art Workshops
I was so deeply moved and inspired by all the beautifully heartfelt responses I received in answer to the question of how creativity has healed you. And spent some sweet time just reading through the comments, allowing myself to be filled up with all of your courage...
The Healing Power Of Sacred Creative Containers
I just returned from another mind-blowing week of teaching intuitive painting at the Mountain Home Ranch resort in Calistoga California. And as usual, what I call the predictable miracle occurred. Which means that a deeply creative, sacred circle of community...
When Your Inner Critic Is A Jerk ( and it is always a jerk) Compassionate Warrior Tactics Are Required
A young couple goes to India to study with a guru renowned for her teachings on loving kindness. From the airport they decide to hire an open air bicycle taxi to take them to their mentors ashram. On the way to the temple they are unpleasantly surprised and...
Win a Free Spot in The Spectrum 2016 Wholistic-Creative Online Workshop!
I am going to be a guest teacher in Spectrum 2016 this year – and to celebrate I’m giving away a free spot in course as a part of the Spectrum Give-Away Blog-Hop! Spectrum is an online Holistic-Creative workshop going on its third year, and...
14 Really Wrong Myths Around What It Means To Be Creative
1.) Only certain special people are creative. 2.) Creativity is a rarefied quality which you are either born with or not. 3.) Not everyone is creative. 4.) Creativity needs to be learned or taught. 5.) Creativity can be graded or quantified. 6.)...
Astro Wisdom: The Neptune/Saturn Square – Working Hard To Make Our Dreams Come True
As we begin our journey into 2016 I find myself, as usual, looking to the astrological weather patterns to help me navigate the energy currents of the year. And there is a particularly powerful transit that is now affecting everyone on the planet which is the...
The Only Thing That Matters
It doesn't matter if you made some choices that did not turn out the way you expected them too. If you ended up feeling disappointed. Or like you failed. It doesn't matter if you promised yourself that you would stop doing something or start. And then you didn't. Or...
The Emotional Wisdom Of Allowing Yourself To Feel What You Feel
What an powerful couple of weeks it has been! If you are new to my work, you might not know that I am an astrologer as well as being the Wild Heart Queen of all things creative. Which means that I will often mention and explore astrological trends and how they...
Changing And Creating A Brand New World Together
We humans are on the verge of a huge transformation. But like all transformations it will be messy and chaotic and frustrating. It will be an exercise of groping around in the dark and lurching forward then backwards then sideways and forward again. It won’t always...
Opening The Portal To YOUR Secret Creative Identitiy
Ever since I was a kid I’ve been fascinated with the idea of having a secret identity. I loved reading comic books about super heroes and heroines who lived seemingly normal and unremarkable lives but who had another hidden persona that possessed magical powers and...
Letting Go Of The Wrong Story
Each and every one of us carries some old story from the past that is rigidly locked inside of our bones, our brains and our heart. This story is a pattern that we keep repeating because it’s familiar and makes us feel safe. But this story-pattern invariably keeps us...
The Necessity Of Creative Chaos
I just returned from my yearly pilgrimage to the red rock mesas of the Southwest where I teach TWO wild heart painting retreats at the Ghost Ranch Conference Center in New Mexico. And like most of my retreats there is a theme that spontaneously develops among...
Announcing The Winners Of The Painting With Fire Class Giveaway!
I am SO THRILLED to announce the winners of my Painting With Fire Online Class GIVEAWAY!! I had over 200 folks offer deeply heartfelt and beautiful wisdom about their relationship to their intuition. Which makes it impossible for ME to choose! So...
Giveaway For TWO Free Spots In My Online Class Painting With Fire
One of the things I love the most about my online intuitive painting class is that it creates a safe, rich, and supportive environment for developing a heart-felt, soul enriching, transformational creative, intuitive and spiritual practice using the humble...
Play + Technique
When you are studying a particular technique you are studying the results of someone else’s play. As adults we invert that equation. Play creates techniques, but we get it backwards thinking that we can't play until we have technique. But technique is always, always,...
What Are You Making?
I make magic art studios where women can rediscover the gift of their unique, authentic voice and are encouraged and supported to express themselves fully, wildly, passionately and creatively without fear, shame or judgment. I make sacred circles of community where...
How To Talk To Your Muse
I had a conversation with one of my creative pals the other day and I was telling her about my lively and dynamic relationship with my inner muse, otherwise known to me as The Creativity Goddess. My friend said that everyone talks about the inner critic as a separate...
Giveaway for a FREE Spot in 21 Secrets!
I am THRILLED to have been invited to be a teacher in this years 21 SECRETS online art journaling extravaganza created by the...