Creative Juices Arts Blog

Welcome to my blog page! I love writing about the healing power of the creative process. Here you will find a collection of all of my writing from all the way back to 2005! Enjoy!



Art Every Day Month- Day 4- Flying Heart Lady

Art Every Day Month- Day 4- Flying Heart Lady

Today I played around with watercolors in my sketchbook. What showed up is another one of those images that is puzzling to me on a lot of different levels. Although its certainly not the first time THAT has ever happened! I've been going through some serious dental...

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Creative Every Day- The Journey Begins

Creative Every Day- The Journey Begins

YAY for the opportunity to get back into being visually creative on a regular basis. I've been focusing on my writing and my business recently and my painting life has been somewhat on the back burner. So I'm grateful to have the support and encouragement of this...

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Abuse Your Art Supplies

It took me 15 years  to discover that I had no talent for writing but I couldn't give it up because by that time I was too famous. -Robert C. Benchley Who says you have to be any good in order to be creative? The very first (and last) painting class I ever took (which...

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Who Is Your Creative Alter Ego?

I have a friend who is a musician. And more than anything else he wants to write his own songs and eventually put them together on a CD. But it's not really happening. So he is in that particular type of artists hell where the creative longing is terribly insistent...

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I am somewhat addicted to personal growth. I can't even begin to tell you how many thousands of dollars and thousands of hours I have spent attending workshops, reading books and talking with my friends, husband and various paid professionals about the complicated...

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In this next chapter of Gail McMeekins 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women she is talking about the issue of creative collaboration, and I realized as I was reading this that my professional creative life has been one long journey of collaboration. I really couldn't...

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