Creative Juices Arts Blog

Welcome to my blog page! I love writing about the healing power of the creative process. Here you will find a collection of all of my writing from all the way back to 2005! Enjoy!


Chris Zydel

Creating Your Way Through Change

Creating Your Way Through Change

A few years ago I was at a major crossroads with my work. I had been in private practice as a psychotherapist for a long time, which I had loved with an unholy passion. But I was starting to get itchy and restless. It was time for a change. The private practice route...

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Wish BIG E-Camp Giveaway Winner!!

Wish BIG E-Camp Giveaway Winner!!

I received so many amazing and inspirational messages from you all about what you love about being a creative being that it was quite impossible to choose. So I let the creativity goddess do it for me! I printed out the page with all your fabulous comments, cut each...

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Wish Big E-Camp Giveaway!

Wish Big E-Camp Giveaway!

I am ridiculously excited to be hosting a giveaway for one spot in the WishBIG E-Camp Winter Session! And I am tickled pink to be included as part of this fabulous collection of teachers including: Connie Hozvicka, Vivienne McMaster, Amy Palko, Miranda Hersey, Jenna...

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Perfectly Impossible

"Perfect is good. But finished is better!" ~ quote on a plaque in a local quilt store bathroom When I was in graduate school for counseling at least a million years ago I had to write a great number of papers for all the different classes I was attending. And I came...

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Catching Up With Change

I've been having an interesting discussion with some of my online friends about the desire to take a sabbatical. And how important it is to set aside periodic big chunks of time out of your life to recharge, and rejuvenate. But the problem with sabbaticals is that...

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Life At The Speed Of Healing

I have been in the healing biz practically my whole adult life. And since I've been hanging around this planet for quite a while that means I have been doing this for a very long time. I started out my career as a massage therapist, went on to include emotional...

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As 2011 begins, like a lot of people, I am thinking about what I hope this New Year will bring. But I'm not following the time honored tradition of making explicit resolutions. That is soooo 20th century and anyway most research has shown that choosing a specific goal...

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The Fine Art Of Wanting What You Want

Just recently one of my students emailed me with a question about my upcoming teacher training program. She had been researching various educational opportunities in the expressive arts world and was feeling confused about how to proceed. She wasn't sure which program...

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