Wish Big E-Camp Giveaway!

by | Jan 31, 2012 | Articles | 47 comments

I am ridiculously excited to be hosting a giveaway for one spot in the WishBIG E-Camp Winter Session!

And I am tickled pink to be included as part of this fabulous collection of teachers including: Connie Hozvicka, Vivienne McMaster, Amy Palko, Miranda Hersey, Jenna McGuiggan, Stacy De La Rosa, Rachel Awes and myself.

The WishBIG E-Camp runs February 19th – 26th.

My offering for the course is called Riding The Wild Wave: An Intuitive Guide To Navigating Creative Flow Using the Wisdom of the Four Directions

This workshop is about taking a project of your own choosing through the four steps of creative unfolding as symbolized by the Native American teachings of the Four Directions- North, South, East and West – and learning how to use that map for all your creative projects!

You can find out more about the course itself and all the other workshops by heading over to the WishBIG Course Page.

And I’m giving away one spot in the course!!!

All you need to do to have a chance to win is to leave a comment telling me what you absolutely love about being a creative being. And don’t be afraid to gush!!

The giveaway will be open until this Thursday, February 2nd at 5pm PST and then I’ll announce the winner on Friday, February 3rd!



  1. Free spot on your e-workshop. I’m so there!

  2. Oh, what do I love about being a creative being? I love that I can be myself. Not fancy, or gushy, but darn tootin’ the truth. xo

  3. Love what you do and want to take this class
    for persona and professional reasons. Would
    be great to pass this type of creative exercise
    on to the mothers I counsel!

  4. So…always figured Wild Heart Painting would make it to Oprah! All I can say is what took em so long?

  5. I LOVE trusting each step of the creative process. I love that there is always the next color, the next stroke of the paintbrush, that there are infinite numbers of possibilities regarding images and how they choose to appear. I love that I get out of the way and spirit can just flow through me! I love how deeply satisfying it all is!

  6. I love that I know myself more now than I have for a long time. And I am learning new stuff about me all the time. Playing becomes a therapist’s couch, becomes play. :)

  7. Being a creative being means that I am listening to my heart.

  8. I am a ‘coming out’ creative at 50. It just frees my spirit, connects me and has introduced me to me who is not that bad and having a ball. Amazing.

  9. I would love a chance to learn about breaking out of my standard creative process–one that is becoming less and less creative, and more and more formulaic. I could not LIVE without creating art, and trying to express things that connect with my soul, but I would love to have a new way of seeing my truth and help that come out in medium.

  10. I love that through my creativity I am getting better aquainted with the “real” me that has been in hiding for a bit….
    Thanks so much for this fabulous opportunity!!!

  11. Being creative is part of my EVERYDAY life! I have been thinking about taking a class with you for a long time and the distance is the only thing in the way. The e-course is perfect! So glad to know you are doing this work and spreading it for all of us to PLAY!

  12. Hello,

    When I create I am a much better person to be around. Honestly, I have a difficult time with the inner critic. Whatever art i do I get a big argument from the inside of myself.
    Even though my intentions is to create are valid. I don’t think making art is supposed to make us suffer? Something goes off and the art police come out. If I lived in Cali I probably would be at your classes. and having more fun with the process. Who knows maybe in two years when my husband retires.
    Much appreciation,

  13. It would be easier to tell you what I don’t love than about what I love!!

    I love that when I let my creative muse out to play I feel wild and free. I love that I feel juicy and vibrantly alive inside all over again. I love that I feel like there is *no* problem in the world that I couldn’t solve with enough canvas, paint and collage materials. I love getting my hands dirty & covered in paint (I love to use my hands to paint with acrylics…. oh the JOY!).

    There’s not much *not* to love about being creative!! <3

  14. What do I love about being a creative being? That inspiration hits in moments I don’t expect and that I’ve learned to stop and pay attention to them. But what I don’t love is that I rarely take action on these inspirations. Loved loved loved the experience of your workshop that just let the paint flow not having any idea where it was going and not caring. Would love to get back on that track again….thanks for the inspiration to ask for assistance with that again!

  15. What an awesome opportunity for those of us who do not have the time or money to travel! I am presently a 55 year old full-time college student. I am a fine arts major who is very interested in creativity as a life skill. I am planning to use process arts to heal the hearts of the bereaved when I graduate.

  16. This is a lovely and generous offer…I absolutely love being creative because it is one of the only things that allows me to feel completely FREE to just be me!

  17. ….keep wanting wishing hoping willing ranting begging spellcasting desperately pleading with the universe, myself and anyone else who’ll listen to whisk me magically over to the wild heart retreat from this cold little island known as the UK! A spot would be so wonderful on your amazing wildly transformative course ~ as a trillion ideas a minute creative soul who gets very lonely sometimes with on-one to play with, being with some beautiful like minded souls would make my creative year! Please sprinkle some magic dust over this comment and make me be the lucky one x x if not thank you for bringing a smile to my face anyway, and well done you x x

  18. ….keep wanting wishing hoping willing ranting begging spellcasting desperately pleading with the universe, myself and anyone else who’ll listen to whisk me magically over to the wild heart retreat from this cold little island known as the UK! A spot would be so wonderful on your amazing wildly transformative course ~ as a trillion ideas a minute creative soul who gets very lonely sometimes with on-one to play with, being with some beautiful like minded souls would make my creative year! Please sprinkle some magic dust over this comment and make me be the lucky one x x if not thank you for bringing a smile to my face anyway, and well done you x x

  19. I love how zen I feel while I’m creating something. It’s like meditation. It fills me up and makes me complete!

  20. I feel I am most alive when I am being creative and at play.

  21. Creativity is a life saver, a chance to play and be free, to explore curiosity and to relish in the wonder of life!

  22. Being creative is such a stress reliever!!! I can’t believe how the time flies when I’m working on something, its like you’re in your own little world…and the online community of creatives is wonderful, supportive and inspiring! Who wouldn’t want more of this?!? Thanks for offering the giveaway!

  23. What do I love about being a creative being? The opportunity to step inside myself and away from the outside world. The best of “inside” is, no mind, no thought, just connection to all that is Me. Painting provides the medium through which all that is inside gets to come out just by following the energy, and when that happens I feel the expansion and freedom I crave. Thank you Chris for all that you offer as your Giveaway. Big blessings to you.

  24. I am here to create. That is what I love.

  25. What I love about being a creative being? Listening to my heart and that inner voice that is wise and wonderful – knowing that all is well and all will be well.

  26. I would so love to participate. I work with homeless kids living with their moms in shelters and guide them in an empowering intuitive art experience. Creativity allows me to be of service to the universe. Love it! Thank you for providing such inspiration!!!

  27. Being creative is an opportunity for me to shine freely with all I am …and also giving the same space to

  28. I would love to participate. What I love about being creative. The moments when I’m in a flow and nothing is around me but everything is in me!

  29. Chris
    Codo’s to you for the Oprah mention.
    I would love to explore what you have to say in the creative ecourse world.
    sign me up for the raffle :-)
    What do I love about being creative- It is as important to me a breathing- if the juices don’t flow well……………… My spirit would die.

  30. What do I love about being a creative being? Freedom to express myself and a voice in which to do it with! The ability to have a process and tools to work through feelings and experiences, to feel passion! To express that passion in my home, my view of the world and where and how I see beauty every day…..I am so grateful and love so deeply the experience of color and light, process and paint, objects and images…the gift of beauty and gratitude through it all. Blessings Chris, and thank you for all you do and give!

  31. and the way creativity connects us all; as a bridge rather than a wall.

  32. I love being a creative being because it is the only way I know to live, the only way I know I am alive. It’s the only way for me to be…

    Thank you!

  33. Being creative means that I am 100% free. Being creative and that sense of freedom is so high on our value list…that we incorporated it into our daughter’s name…. Jayde Freedom. Thank you!

  34. I love the mystery and magic of the creative process – how you start with a vague image in your mind and the unfolding journey of getting it down on paper or fabric (or whatever your chosen medium is). I’m intrigued by how the vision/image changes & morphs as you attempt to express it, and often the final product is a delightful surprise (if all goes well). It really does feel like magic to me – to begin with an inner picture only in ones’ mind and finally translate it to a tangible, touchable, solid & real expression. There’s something very satisfying about “making it real” and sharing this beauty with others.

  35. What I love about being a creative being … well, the expressive arts are where/how I began to learn to accept myself. Creating became my safe space to try new things, make mistakes, and have fun. And, now it’s hard not to see my whole life as one messy creative practice. What I love about being a creative spirit is that it means I really experience life.

  36. Flowing, more like diving, into the pool of myself to touch the rock base of my life, I thrill with each moment that swirls with potential and promise. Creativity is not just my life-line, it is the whirling pool of my existence. Whether it’s a first morning thought or the cultivation of a rose bush or watching the pattern of bubbles on soapy dishwater, everything sustains me while I move through the losses of the past two years. Creating BIG and even BIGGER would be a dream come true.

  37. What I absolutely love about being a creative being is… the choice to be just that – creative!

  38. Being a creative being connects me to the child in me that loves me uncondionally, has no preconceived notions of what I SHOULD be AND has the most outrageous FUN just creating…laughing to tears, crying outloud, dancing and singing just for the hell of it!!!!!!!! Ahhhh…that I should never, ever forget this child in me!

  39. Being a creative being has helped me to survive some very difficult times in my life. when greif struck me in a way that knocked me off my feet, it was journaling, and painting that helped me make my way back into the world from a very dark place. It brings joy to my life and connects me with my happy place!

  40. I NOW love that as a creative being I embrace how different I think from the mainstream, and my connection to a much greater force than my mind, being okay in the mystery and the unknown. That it has been such a powerful healing path and now joyous expression!

    “Never fear to trust the unknown to a known and loving God” – especially in a painting.

  41. I love the entire process INCLUDING the times when I feel like I’ve hit the wall. I know now that it’s just my particular creative cycle, getting ready to absorb inspiration and waiting to hear from the muse! And then when my muse is back, hold on!! cause I am just filled with ideas.

  42. Most of all, I love, color, color, color. I love the way that spending time in creative space makes the whole world sparkle the rest of the time I am in my mundane life. I love how everything is potential art and current beauty through a creative lense. I love that little quickening of my heart that happens when I catch the creative wave. I love the serendipity and grace that fills creative space. And I love the surprises and blessings that shower down and water my sometimes parched soul. Oh and I love the way that creativity is both a path to and an incarnation of Spirit.

  43. Ya know what I love about being creative? I love that different emotions come through me and take on all different forms. I love that I can take a branch and make a doll, a pod and make a piece of jewelry. Creativity equals calm!

  44. I love being creative whether it’s making a quilt for my cat or “trying” to paint her. The end result really doesn’t matter. For me it’s being so caught up in the doing, the creating that time goes by without me noticing and I’m humming and feeling very happy, joyous and free!!!

  45. I love creativity because it allows me to be free of the distractions of the day, sink down into my true intuition, and loose my heart to my soul. It doesn’t get any better than that! You of course, are the perfect conductor for this whole process! Thanks! love you!

  46. I love being creative because I can be me – pure and simple!

  47. I love being creative because not only does it make me happy it enables me to encourage and make others around me happy! AND- I always have the most colorful outfits! I would love a spot in the Wish BIG E-Camp! Thanks!!

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