Art Every Day #12: Squigglies Named Henry and Brush Pen Love

by | Nov 12, 2010 | Articles | 7 comments

I travel a lot for my work. I’m gone for about one week every month leading workshops and teaching so I spend a fair amount of time in hotel rooms which means getting set up to do visual creative work can be a bit of a challenge… especially since what I really love to do is paint!

So I have been more than delighted to recently discover brush pens. These pens are filled with ink and come in a ridiculously wide variety of colors but the nib on the pen acts like a brush and FEELS like a brush so I can have the experience of painting without all the mess of having to have water and palettes available and trying to balance them on a motel bed.

The one’s I’ve been playing with are Tombow Dual Brush Pens that are double edged with both a wide and narrow brush tip, and  Fiber Castell Pitt Artist Pens . I also recently attended the APE (Alternative Press Expo) in San Franciso where I picked up some really cool Japanese Manga pens made by Deleter called Neopiko-3 in various colors which means I’m in total art supply, brush pen heaven!!

Of course no matter what MEDIUM I am using ,whenever I am playing with art supplies I am always approaching my creativity from my intuition and letting that guide me through my creative process.

I often don’t know why I’m painting a particular thing …. I’m just painting! And that is more than enough.

This little piece that I did yesterday was fun and meaningless and just a big doodle that looks to me like a sparkly, energetic amoeba. I think I’ll name him Henry (-:



  1. Where’s Henry? I don’t seem him on your post…did I not look in the right place? I need a squiggly amoeba friend today!

  2. Yay for Henry and Brava for your energy. I don’t see Henry either and I am sure he is incredible. :-)

    So grand to see your posting today!

  3. Thanks to you both for asking about Henry. WordPress swallowed him up and made him disappear but he’s back now not too much the worse for wear. Amoeba’s can be VERY flexible that way (-;

  4. Henry is the sparkliest amoeba I´ve ever seen. :D
    Thanks for the brushpens idea! I was starting to wonder how I could get my painting stuff with us on holidays.

  5. Hello Henry!! :-)

    The brush pens are fun!

  6. henry wiggles and jiggles and giggles inside me!

  7. Oh, Yes – one does get the wigglies beholding Henry! And we can see all his inerds, too! I don’t think Henry is afraid to be vulnerable.

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