Creative Juices Arts Blog

Welcome to my blog page! I love writing about the healing power of the creative process. Here you will find a collection of all of my writing from all the way back to 2005! Enjoy!



How Deep Goes Your Creative Well?

How Deep Goes Your Creative Well?

My muse is quite the bossy sort and has been yammering at me pretty much non-stop lately. What she wants this time is for me to be writing more. And specifically she wants me to be BLOGGING more often. There's a familiar dance that we engage in that starts with her...

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I just completed the final session of my current Wild Heart Expressive Arts Teacher Training program. During this five day intensive each of my students took a three hour block of time and presented and facilitated an expressive arts class that they designed. Which...

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Love The Muse You’re With

I have a confession to make. In writing this blog I talk a lot about the creative process which makes it sound like it's something that's kind of abstract. Or at least part of the workings of my own mind. Which isn't exactly the truth. I've been avoiding telling the...

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Art Love Is Good Love

Art Love Is Good Love

Today is the day when we all celebrate love. Or are at least thinking about love.  Or trying not to think about love. And mostly what gets celebrated is romantic love. Which is great. But it's not the only love game in town. There's another kind of love that we all...

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Happiness Is A Warm Glue Gun

I have been on a quest lately to find out what it is that truly makes me happy. I'm trying to learn to tell the difference between the considerable fulfillment I experience when I am being productive and simple, straightforward happiness. I have actually had them very...

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Art Every Day Month- Day 24- Happy Desert Girl

Art Every Day Month- Day 24- Happy Desert Girl

My hubby and I are on vacation and right now we're  in the town of St. George Utah and visiting the various national and state parks in the area. Yesterday we went to a place called Snow Canyon State Park and today we are going to the world famous Zion National Park....

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Art Every Day Month – Day 23: Shaman Girl

Art Every Day Month – Day 23: Shaman Girl

This piece is a painting using watercolors that I have in a little travel watercolor kit. I'm away on vacation and am in one of my favorite places in the whole world which is the Southwest desert area- Nevada, Utah and Death Valley in California. I have a pretty...

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Day 18- AEDM: Entering The Dream Time

Day 18- AEDM: Entering The Dream Time

This is another one of my pieces that I did with colored pencils which are a total godsend because they are so easy to just whip out and use when I don't have a lot of space or time to set up my paints. First of all, I have no idea what this drawing is about. It's...

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