Art Love Is Good Love

by | Feb 14, 2010 | Articles | 0 comments

button-1Today is the day when we all celebrate love. Or are at least thinking about love.  Or trying not to think about love.

And mostly what gets celebrated is romantic love. Which is great. But it’s not the only love game in town.

There’s another kind of love that we all have some difficulty with that would certainly be worth honoring today. And as dicey as romantic love can be at times it’s nowhere nearly as problematic as learning how-to-be-loving-to-your-own- sweet-self kind of love.

We need all the help we can get with that one. We need reminders. And support. And permission.

We have loving ourselves (which is a very good thing) all mixed up with things like being selfish, or too big for our britches, or self centered or egotistical or greedy. Which we have in the category of not so good things. We get all confused about what it really means to love ourselves.

So sometimes it can be very helpful to approach the whole self love thing through the back door. Sometimes we have to be a little bit wily and kind of sneak up on it without really approaching it head on.

And one way we can do that is through our art. We can learn to love ourselves by actually giving ourselves time and space to do our art. But we can also learn how to give our art some of that juicy love first… which is just one step away from bringing it back home.

Now, my dear friend and Creativity Goddess Connie Hozvicka of Dirty Footprints Studio fame has come up with a fabulous way of doing just that! She has created an online experience called Art Journal Love Letters which is designed to help you learn about this tricky self love business through being more creative.

She calls herself the Cupid Of Creativity ( which I don’t doubt for a  minute!!)  and through 20 daily blog posts and 4 of her amazingly inspiring creativity videos will encourage and galvanize and spark you to fall head over heels with your amazing creative self like nobody else can.

I’m definitely planning on participating because I trust that Connie will pour every bit of her huge and generous heart and soul into creating something that will be fun, wildly entertaining and deeply motivating to me in my ongoing quest for a creative juicy life.

It starts today… of course, and I hope to see you there!



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