Day 18- AEDM: Entering The Dream Time

by | Nov 18, 2009 | Articles | 3 comments

aedmlogoredThis is another one of my pieces that I did with colored pencils which are a total godsend because they are so easy to just whip out and use when I don’t have a lot of space or time to set up my paints.

First of all, I have no idea what this drawing is about. It’s totally mysterious to me. It’s definitely one of those images that comes from someplace in my psyche where my dreams live. And I really love it when that happens. It feels like I’m tapped into some other dimension where things don’t always make very much rational or logical sense.

I am enchanted by the feeling that I get when something like this comes through me. I totally dig the element of surprise. It’s like I have no control whatsoever and because I am not trying to hold onto control something that I could never have even thought of is born through my trusting in my creative process. I’m simply channeling or downloading an image from some place other than my normal, every day brain.


I also have to be very careful to allow paintings or drawings like this to just be what they are without second guessing why certain things are appearing.

For example, the dead rat that is held in the beings left hand kind of freaked me out. I wouldn’t necessarily have chosen that as an image I would want to portray because I have all kinds of weird and negative associations with rats. But this is one of those times I have to remember that when I am creating from an intuitive place, what shows up is really none of my business.

My job is to just keep my hand moving and surrender to the creative flow.



  1. I love the way you are able to surrender to your creative flow, Chris. It’s beautiful!

  2. I am so with you on surrendering to the creative flow. That is what this month has been about for me… almost like I simply open my arms, my hands, my mind and let the ideas in and then (attempt to) facilitate them coming to fruition.

    Glad to know we are all so interconnected here!

  3. My job is to just keep my hand moving and surrender to the creative flow.

    Preach it sister!

    Show up. Trust. Surrender.

    That really is what it’s all about, isn’t it?

    And look at the gorgeousness that comes from it… awesome!

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