Chris Zydel portrait.

Chris Zydel
Wildheart Queen

Tim Lajoie portrait

Tim Lajoie

You can also find us on Facebook…

Chris Zydel

Tim Lajoie

and Twitter…

Wildheart Queen

Illustration of a banner that says "Trust the Brush" in front of a brush with paint.
Heart with waves. Decorative Element.


Welcome to the world of Creative Juices Arts…

You have entered our magic kingdom… and in this kingdom what is honored is the healing power of the creative process as accessed through the expressive arts and intuitive painting. 

We also know that in order to support this healing power there needs to be a commitment to certain values like vulnerability, personal growth, a loving community, becoming more awake, emotional safety, integrity and trust.  That importance must be placed on qualities like honesty, bravery, generosity, curiosity, a sense of humor, psychological depth, spiritual hunger and being real.

And you will find that commitment here.

Here you will also be invited to experience the profound joy that comes from expressing yourself creatively without holding anything back. And where the magic of YOUR creative genius is celebrated, cherished and always loved.

Here you will be supported and encouraged in listening to and respecting your intuitive voice as the most precious inner guidance resource that you have.

Here you will be reminded over and over again that opening a portal into the realms of imagination and whimsy through spontaneous play will keep you juicy and energized and alive.

Here you will be championed to meet your inner demons,  your fears, your anxieties, your self judgments, your old stories and perceived limitations with huge doses of creative courage.

Here you will be emboldened to step into the unknown with only a paintbrush and your intuition to light the way.

Here you will be inspired to release the inner shackles of convention, expectation and approval and claim your birthright of unapologetic creative freedom.

Here you will be called upon to step into your full creative capacity. To own yourself as a creator … of beauty. Of truth. Of wisdom. Of art. Of your own wild and precious life.

Here you will find compassion, kindness and tender healing for your artists broken heart.

Here you will be seen. Listened to. Accepted. And deeply valued.

Here you will find a way back to loving your own sweet self, to delighting in all of who you are and to treating yourself as precious. As treasured. As enough.

We believe that creativity is soul work. A direct conduit to spirit. A way to regain our experience of wholeness. And that art making without judgment makes sacred even the most challenging, difficult and painful places in our hearts and minds and bodies.

We believe in YOU as an artist and a creative being. Wholeheartedly. And know that you contain a magic kingdom of your own brimming over with unbridled joy, sparkly brilliance, visionary knowing, ancient wisdom and the capacity to make your life your most amazing work of art.

From our Wild Heart to Yours,

Chris Zydel & Tim Lajoie

Decorative element. Heart with waves.

A peek into the magic of a live Wild Heart Intuitive Painting workshop…

Decorative element. Sun with waves.

Upcoming Events…

One spot left! Register Now!

October 2024
Wild Heart Intuitive Painting in Borrego Springs

Join us for live weeklong intuitive painting retreat with Chris & Tim and 14 other lucky painters! Enroll Now!

Saturday, October 26, 2024 through Friday, November 1, 2024
Borrego Springs, CA

In Person Live Retreat

New Retreat! Registration Now Open

January 2025
Wild Heart Intuitive Painting in Borrego Springs

Join us for live weeklong intuitive painting retreat with Chris & Tim and 14 other lucky painters! Enroll Now!

Saturday, January 25, 2025 through Friday, January 31, 2025
Borrego Springs, CA

In Person Live Retreat

Decorative element. Purple sun.

Wild Heart Painting Online

Monthly sessions offered on:
Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays

Creative Juices Arts Online Studio

Green Learn More button

Online Class

Decorative element. Purple sun with waves.

Other Ways to Work with Me…

Decorative element. Blue turtle.

Weekly Classes

We offer weekly intuitive painting classes online that provide a vibrant community of loving creative support and a powerful way to indulge your intuitive painting practice.

Gather your paints and join us for an ongoing deep exploration into the mystery of your own unfolding. Learn to listen to your intuitive impulses and express your authentic self in a safe, brave, and encouraging container.

Enrollment is open at the beginning of each month for a 4 week series. We would love to see you in class soon!

Purple learn more button
Decorative element. Banner that says "Trust the Brush" in front of a paint brush illustration
Decorative element. Blue sun.

Teacher Training

It’s really hard for us to even talk about our teacher training program without tearing up, because what happens over the 6 months that we meet in sacred circle is nothing short of miraculous. We know that sounds like a big word. And it is. But it’s also a big truth.
There is nothing more creatively powerful than a group of women coming together with the intent to support each other to become strong and visionary leaders in their communities. Who are devoted to healing anything …. And we mean ANYTHING … that gets in the way of fully shining their brilliance and their genius into the world. Who are committed to a life filled with meaning, healing, creativity and service. Who are hungry to bring feminine spirituality, feminine intelligence and feminine wisdom out of the shadows and into the light of day. Our teacher training program provides the space for all of that to happen… and more.
Orange learn more button
Decorative element. Illustration of Saturn.

Astrology Readings

Would you like to get a back stage pass to the inner workings of your soul and psyche? The ancient art of astrology is a powerful tool for understanding yourself deeply and with great compassion. But it also gives you VERY specific instructions on how to live a life that  feels like the life you were meant to live. It gives you the permission and support to be your biggest self… your most authentic self … The YOU that you were utterly and completely always meant to be. Check out my astrology page for more juicy info.

Green learn more button
Decorative element. Magenta heart with rays.
Decorative element. Illustration of a purple dragonfly.

Business Mentoring

Do you believe that being an artist or a healer means dooming yourself to a life of always being broke? Do you think that the term “thriving artist” is an oxymoron?  We love our work. We feel every day that we are in sacred service to our muse and our creative community. And we get paid very well for the opportunity to be creative and for the privilege of helping other folks become more creative and whole. We also get a major kick out of helping artist/healer types to find ways to become more successful in their own way and on their own terms. Let’s talk if this sounds like fun for you too!

Blue learn more button.
Decorative element. Blue sun.
Decorative element. Purple flower divider.

Most Recent Blog Articles…

Bye-Bye Pluto In Capricorn: How Will This Major Astrological Shift Impact YOU!

  Time for a little astrology.   As many of you may have already heard, we are going through a major astrological shift right now. And that shift is the planet Pluto changing signs, going from Capricorn ( where it’s been for the last 15 years), into the sign...

Old Fire

  I recently celebrated my 72nd birthday so the process of aging is very much on my mind. And in honor of that birthday I took the past few weeks off from teaching the online classes ( I’m back to my regular teaching schedule in October) to deal with some nagging...

The Healing Power Of Meaningless Experience

    The wild heart intuitive painting approach to art is at core a liberation process which means that there are NO rules. Just practices. And, in fact, one thing we encourage our students to do on a regular basis is to BREAK any rules they might have picked...

How To Welcome A True Spiritual ( and Creative) Breakthrough

  Our soul will sometimes let us know that it is time to heal something within us through an experience of suffering. We will find ourselves in a place of distress that sometimes has no discernible source. We just know that we’re miserable, hurting and unhappy....

Why Completing Your Paintings Really Matters

In my role as an intuitive painting facilitator and guide I am deeply dedicated to the principals and practices of the Wild Heart Expressive Arts Intuitive Painting process. And one of those practices is the invitation to complete any painting that you start before...

Wild Heart Medicine

When I turned 50 ( almost 22 years ago) I had just started holding my week long painting retreats at the Ghost ranch Conference Center in Abiquiu New Mexico a couple of years prior. During that retreat I had a number of my long time students in attendance. These were...

When Butterflies And Rainbows Just Aren’t Enough

There’s an interesting form of resistance that regularly shows up in my intuitive painting classes that people don’t actually recognize as resistance. And it looks like this. What we encourage our students to practice as they are painting is their full range of...

Listening To Your Heart. Finding A Way.

Before the pandemic turned all of our lives completely upside down, I had a thriving, in-person retreat business. I held weekend and four day non-residential retreats at my Oakland studio and took people on week long residential retreats in fabulously beautiful places...

My Personal Journey With Person Centered Expressive Arts and How It Influences My Wild Heart Expressive Arts Teacher Training Program

  As we are coming down to the wire for this next round of our Wild Heart Expressive Arts Teacher Training Program I’ve been thinking a lot about my own expressive arts journey My early days in terms of my own personal healing and also in my professional practice...

Smashing The Patriarchy With Intuitive Painting and the The Expressive Arts

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Decorative element. Gold leaves.
Decorative element. Gold lower leaves.

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