NEEDY, GREEDY and PROUD OF IT: How To Fill Your Soul Tank With Energetic Heart Fuel

by | Mar 19, 2013 | Articles | 3 comments



Many of the retreats that I facilitate end up having a theme that spontaneously evolves during the course of the workshop.


It’s like there is an energy that begins with one person that then catches fire with the the group as a whole. It’s really exciting when that happens because it’s the way that the workshop participants actively co-create the experience with me and with each other. 


And the theme of one of my most recent workshop, that ended up being a true clarion call was “It’s all about ME!!”



This was partly in response to a gauntlet that I always throw down in my workshops where I challenge people to practice being “needy, greedy and proud of it” while they are on one of my retreats.


Which is a concept that is often met with more than a few raised eyebrows, because it invites folks to embrace parts of themselves that they normally feel embarrassed and ashamed of. Need and greed are most often kept under lock and key in the shame box of most people’s psyches. And are rarely considered to be positive traits to be celebrated and embraced. 



What I am encouraging people to be needy and greedy about are soul hungers. 


To eagerly allow themselves to WANT love, support and encouragement. 


To have the hots for the experience of being seen and witnessed and valued.


To joyfully indulge the hunger for the boundaries that will allow you to carve out space and time for oneself.


To surrender to the craving to be creative.


To revel in your lust to shine.


To abandon yourself to the longing for play, fun and the desire to do nothing at all.


To be passionate about the yearning to dance, to feel, to laugh and howl and cry.


To luxuriate in the craving to be absolutely and completely who you are from your nose to your toes. 



I think about this category of need as being related to keeping us alive and healthy and happy on an ENERGETIC level. 



But, unfortunately, we are taught that feeding our souls and our hearts, giving time, attention or goddess forbid, MONEY, to anything that is NOT related to our bodies, our physical possessions and our bank accounts, is completely unnecessary. 


We get the message that if we indulge our need for beauty and creative self expression, art workshops or jewelry, that means that we are in danger of becoming “spoiled”. We are told that we are frivolous and shallow. Maybe even irresponsible because giving those things to ourselves will most certainly mean taking precious resources from someplace else.



We have all bought into the belief that fueling ourselves on these more spiritual levels is not something we should take seriously.



But this is a place where especially as women, we get ourselves into a huge PILE of trouble.


We would never dream of arguing with the idea that to keep our car going we need to fill the tank with gas, change the oil and have regular tune-ups.


And of course it is totally OBVIOUS that without food, our body will wither, collapse and eventually die.


We know that expecting our car or body to keep running without fuel is ludicrous. 



But we have no problem expecting our spirits and souls to keep operating at a high level on an essentially starvation diet. 



I know a number of women, myself included, who have suffered from something called adrenal exhaustion. This disorder is partially caused by continually pushing ourselves to keep DOING more and more and more without enough rest and downtime.



But I think it’s also deeply related to not validating and attending to our spiritual and emotional needs.



Until we can actively define those particular needs as LEGITIMATE they will always end up at the bottom of the priority list. 



And then find ourselves continually teetering on the edge of spiritual malnourishment without ever understanding why. 



This is one of the main reasons that I do what I do.



Nothing gives me greater satisfaction than watching women wake up to those hungry places inside and to witness them being imbued with juicy, sparkly eyed aliveness when they realize they have the encouragement and support to confidently claim their right to feed their souls to their hearts content.



It is a joy beyond anything I have ever experienced, knowing that I am sending women back into their lives, full of energy and deeply nourished. As well as having the tools and permission to continue feeding themselves on this heart and soul level, abundantly and with no apologies.


This can and should be YOU!


You deserve to feel good. To be lusciously and deliciously plumped up and shiny with beauty and art and self care and divine feminine love. To have energy to spare. To not be dragging yourself through your life feeling constantly drained and depleted and like you’re trying to run your life on spiritual fumes.


You have full permission… NOW. This very moment. To put your soul needs at the top of the list. Which is where they have belonged all along.  



I have also been threatening to create a tee shirt with the Needy, Greedy and Proud Of It slogan as a logo for YEARS! And I’m thrilled to say that it has finally happened. I commissioned one of my favorite artists and human beings, the ever delightful David Doodleslice Cohen, to come up with one of his signature doodle designs and feel like he has captured the essence of this concept beautifully!!


So stay tuned. Before too long I will have a link to a store where you can get your very own Needy, Greedy swag to help to remind you to keep your heart tank full and humming. 




  1. I think its a wonderful concept. Many times, throughout my adult life, I have felt like it should be my turn..
    As a giver, one’s desire to help others
    Succeed, is natural. But when, in this life time, does the facilitator re fuel?
    And how?
    You must first fill your own cup in order to share the rest.
    I am very interested in refuelling my tank.
    When do we start?

  2. i can remember when you gave us permission to be needy… blew my fucking socks off… i mean permission? you don’t have to hide this ugly thing inside me… and i claimed the most luxurious paintbrush because i NEEEEEEEEDED it and i felt so fucking victorious. i love you Chris.

  3. I love this post so much! You are totally speaking my language.

    I can’t decide which one I like best- I spend most of my time doing both of these things! LOL!

    “To luxuriate in the craving to be absolutely and completely who you are from your nose to your toes.”

    “To abandon yourself to the longing for play, fun and the desire to do nothing at all.”

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