NEEDY, GREEDY and PROUD OF IT: How To Fill Your Soul Tank With Energetic Heart Fuel
Many of the retreats that I facilitate end up having a theme that spontaneously evolves during the course of the workshop. It’s like there is an energy that begins with one person that then catches fire with the the group as a whole. It’s really exciting when that happens because it’s the way that the workshop participants actively co-create the experience with me and with each other. And the theme of one of my most recent workshop, that ended up being a true clarion call was “It’s all about ME!!” This was partly in response to a gauntlet that I always throw down in my workshops where I challenge people to practice being “needy, greedy and proud of it” while they are on one of my retreats. Which is a concept that is often met with more than a few raised eyebrows, because it invites folks to embrace parts of themselves that they normally feel embarrassed and ashamed of. Need and greed are most often kept under lock and key in the shame box of most people’s psyches. And are rarely considered to be positive traits to be celebrated and embraced. […]
Chris Zydel