Art Every Day #12: Squigglies Named Henry and Brush Pen Love
I travel a lot for my work. I’m gone for about one week every month leading workshops and teaching so I spend a fair amount of time in hotel rooms which means getting set up to do visual creative work can be a bit of a challenge… especially since what I really love to do is paint! So I have been more than delighted to recently discover brush pens. These pens are filled with ink and come in a ridiculously wide variety of colors but the nib on the pen acts like a brush and FEELS like a brush so I can have the experience of painting without all the mess of having to have water and palettes available and trying to balance them on a motel bed. The one’s I’ve been playing with are Tombow Dual Brush Pens that are double edged with both a wide and narrow brush tip, and Fiber Castell Pitt Artist Pens . I also recently attended the APE (Alternative Press Expo) in San Franciso where I picked up some really cool Japanese Manga pens made by Deleter called Neopiko-3 in various colors which means I’m in total art supply, brush pen heaven!! Of course […]
Chris Zydel