Painting the (In)visible: Exploring The Outer Reaches Of Inner Space
Painting the (In)Visible is a journey inward to the source of all creativity. It is an exploration of the inner dimension that is so often neglected and ignored in our day to day lives. During this workshop we will be illuminating the inner world that remains invisible to us most of the time. We will be traveling to the Inner Visible Realms.
Painting the (In)Visible is a quest to the deepest most fundamental pure creative energy there is. That place that dwells within each one of us that is the fountain of our life energy. We are going to the creative core of life itself by using spontaneous imagery, guided meditations, creative writing, and sound work to open a portal to the inner dimensions of our being. We will be engaging and activating all of our senses to awaken our spirits in mindfulness and awareness as we step into the flow of creative waters that ebb and flow inside of us constantly.
Our inner world is always speaking to us. Unfortunately, many of us have lost the ability to listen as the demands of the outer world are so persistent and so compelling. In addition, our inner world speaks to us in the form of archetypes, dream time images, and irrational imagery. Our rational logical mind is usually at a loss to interpret the seemingly meaningless and confusing symbols and suggestions that arise from deep within. We usually filter them out as useless information not helpful to accomplish a task in the immediate present.
However, its deeply important that we tap back into this fountain of energy that is an expression of our true source of aliveness. Allowing ourselves to enter this realm and express from this place without the ego mind editing, limiting, or controlling our experience is essential to accessing this energy in our daily lives. It is essential to bring the power of creativity to our every day problems and issues so we can lead more fulfilled and engaged lives.
Over this 2 and half day period you will experience:
- Guided meditations
- Creative writing exercises
- The Wild Heart Expressive Arts Painting Process
- Expressive movement
- Sound work
You may also experience
- Deep flow states
- Inexplicable synchronicity
- Divine meaningless experience
- Your own inner wisdom and guidance
- Delight, wonder, and awe at the power of creativity to nourish you

How is this different from a regular painting class?
We will be bringing in other modalities and sensory experiences to help evoke and engage our innermost being. We will be focusing specifically on the internal prompts, suggestions, imagery, and emotions that arise when being creative. We will be following the thread of our hearts desire with movement, writing, painting, and sound to the deepest aspects of our being.
Who is this workshop for?
This workshop is for you if you:
- Want to tap back into your creative birth right
- Are longing to dive deeply into the waters of your own soul
- Desire to re-engage with your life force energy
- Need help accessing your own true nature
- Would like to discover the true source of creativity that flows through all living things
- Long to express yourself freely and unabashedly in a supportive safe environment.
This workshop is especially for you if:
- Any of this makes you uneasy. This means your soul is restless and is ready to engage in life at a whole new level.
- You feel stuck or limited in your life and are willing to change.
- You need to grow or transform through your own natural organic process.
What will be required of me? Do I need art experience?
Absolutely no art experience of any kind is needed. Creativity is your birthright. You just need to show up. A willingness to tolerate discomfort in the pursuit of a deeper and more meaningful truth is really helpful as well as a curiosity about your inner world and your relationship to yourself and life. You should also have an insatiable desire to live your life fully and be connected to your own inner wisdom and guidance.
How do I sign up for this fabulous experience?
Just fill in your information below and we will see you at Painting the (In)Visible!
Please sign up for our newsletter
Due to the global pandemic our in-person retreats and workshops have been placed on hold. Please check out our online offerings and sign up for our newsletter to be notified of all upcoming events! We look forward to seeing you at our next creativity adventure!
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Policies, Disclaimers, and Agreements
Cancellation Policy
All deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable. If you have chosen to register with a deposit, an electronic invoice will be sent to you to be paid 60 days prior to the event. If you cancel before 60 days of the start of the event we will refund any amount you have paid in excess of the deposit minus a $25 processing fee. If you cancel within 60 days of an event, full payment of any and all remaining costs for the workshop, lodging, meals, taxes, and other fees will be due immediately. All payments are non-transferrable to other services, events, or workshops. Note that some of the retreat centers we work with may have additional cancellation policies that you will need to abide by.
Lodging is offered for some but not all of our events depending on the type of event and venue so please check the event details for lodging options and specifics. For those events where lodging is offered there are limited lodging options so we strongly encourage you to choose something that you feel meets your needs for comfort as well as expense for the entire event as you will not be able to change your lodging during the event.
We try to make sure that all amounts for lodging, taxes, and fees are accurate when you register. However, a venue may change their prices without notice and you will be required to pay the full amount to the venue for lodging, taxes, or fees that may change after you register.
Vegetarian, dairy free, and gluten free meal options are generally available at our events upon request with at least 30 day advanced notice. Other dietary concerns or issues may be accommodated for an extra fee and at least 30 day advanced notice. We cannot not guarantee that every food issue can be accommodated so please contact us regarding your specific concerns.
We try to make sure that all amounts for meals, taxes, and fees are accurate when you register. However, meal prices are subject to change without notice and you will be required to pay the full amount for meals, taxes, or fees that may change after you register.
Art Supplies
Unless otherwise noted, all necessary art supplies will be provided at our live in-person events. We provide non-toxic water soluble paints and paper. The materials that we supply are chosen to enhance the intuitive process and your direct experience of creativity instead of emphasizing the outcome or product. You may bring your own additional water soluble non-toxic personal supplies such as brushes, colored pencils, or chalk pastels if you choose. However, please note that we do not allow oil paints, acrylic paints, spray paint, solvents or any toxic or permanent materials at any of our events. In addition, we do not allow loose glitter at any of our events due to the work and expense involved in clean up. If you plan on bringing additional art supplies not listed above please contact us before registering.
Alcohol & Drug Policy
All of our events, trainings, and workshops are intended to be healing experiences. Your successful participation in any of our events requires that you show up fully to yourself, your feelings, your creative process, your inner life and other members of the circle in a respectful and meaningful way. As a result we do not tolerate the use of alcohol or recreational drugs during the event. Our expectation is that you will not drink alcohol or use any other kind of recreational drug during the time that we are together so that we can all be focused on healing, learning and growing. If it comes to our attention that you are abusing alcohol or drugs during one of our events you will be asked to leave immediately without a refund or credit.
Non-participants and Pets
We do not allow pets, friends, relatives, or other people to stay with you during our time together as they can be a distraction for you and other attendees that will keep you from focusing and participating fully in the event.
Health and Wellness Issues
We support and will accommodate those with special needs to the degree that we are able. However, you must fully disclose any health or mental health related issues that might interfere with your attendance or participation at any of our events. We expect that you will be able to take full responsibility for yourself and will follow any and all doctor's recommendations regarding medications, treatment plans, or other health guidance. Failure to do so in a way that puts yourself or others at risk will result in you being asked to leave the event immediately without a refund or credit. We do not provide nursing or psychiatric care services at our events. Please communicate all of your relevant health needs with us before registering.
Fragrances and Scents
Our events are not strictly fragrance free. However, for the comfort and health of ourselves and of all of our attendees, we request that you don’t wear perfumes or use other heavily scented products. If you have any concerns about scents or fragrances please contact us before registering.
By registering and attending one of our events you agree to abide by all of these policies.