A Love Letter To My Wild Hearted Creative Sisters

by | Apr 23, 2019 | Articles | 0 comments

Dearest Creative Sister,

I am sending this letter to you today to let you know that I see you.

I see the blinding beauty of your being. And the indomitable courage of your spirit. I see your deepest desires. And I see how much you struggle to be the best and most amazing human being you can be. I see inside your heart because your heart is so much like my own.

I see your boundless ability to love. The love deeply. To love more. To love without holding anything back. To bring love to every being that you meet. To love when it seems impossible to love.

I see how you oh-so-generously spread love like a balm of silken sweetness over the wounds and pains of the world giving all you have to give and then giving again.

I see how big your heart is. And how you want nothing more than for all the children… the children of our bodies, the children of our spirit, the children that still live inside of our grown up selves … to be nurtured, treasured and fed.

I see how much you believe in others. How much you loyally stand behind and beside them, cheering them on as they reach for their dreams to come true.

I see also how you struggle to bring that same sweetness and belief and loyalty to your own soul. How you grapple with shame and not feeling like you are ever good enough. How you strive to purge the poisons of self hatred and self doubt that are constantly being

I see your hunger to be held in the arms of the divine feminine.

I see how much you long to believe that you yourself are sacred. And I see how sacred you already are.

I see the art and beauty and truth that lives in your soul, crying out to be expressed.

I see the words you have to speak. The color that flows in your veins. The dances that move through your bones and your being without holding anything back.

I see your courage and your power. Your willingness to speak your truth no matter what it might cost you.

I see your fierceness. Your wildness. Your untamed and untamable spirit.

And I love you more than I can even begin to say.

From my wild heart to yours,


And if you would like to tap into some of that Sacred Nourishment for yourself, I am offering a FREE mini-workshop with the wondrous Amber Kuileimailani Bonnici on April 24th.



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