Painting from the Wild Heart Retreats!

There are many reasons why you may be interested in taking time for a personal growth creativity retreat.

Going on retreat can be important and valuable during times of transition when you are overwhelmed by change.  It can provide a safe harbor and a place of stillness that enables you to slow down, so that you can absorb what is happening to you and make the necessary internal shifts.

A retreat can also be necessary when you are feeling stressed, too busy and burnt out.  It can help you to replenish your resources, recharge your batteries, and rebuild your depleted stocks of energy.

Finally, you might feel the need for a retreat when you are hungry for some sense of inspiration or adventure in your life. Everything is fine, but you find yourself yearning for a peak experience, an ecstatic connection to something sacred, a chance to align yourself with an energy larger than yourself.

Whatever your reasons, going on a personal creativity retreat is a wonderful way of giving yourself the precious gift of time to reconnect with your deepest essential self. Getting away from the distractions and responsibilities of daily life allows you to remember who you are and why you are here.

The Painting from the Wild Heart retreats are held in some of the most beautiful places in the world, natural settings that are off the beaten path.

The accommodations are always comfortable, but there are no phones or televisions in the rooms, so that you can unwind from overstimulation, relax and really get to know yourself again.

During these retreats, your only responsibility is to yourself and your own inner process. You don’t even have to cook (or clean up!) as all meals are provided.

And you don’t have to worry about knowing how to paint! The philosophy behind the intuitive painting approach is that there is no right way to be creative and that what is important is the personal growth, renewal, insight and joy that come from abandoning yourself to your spontaneous creative impulses.

A week or weekend of being part of a creative circle dedicated to opening artistically, spiritually and emotionally while immersed in this rich environment provides incredible support for taking risks on all levels that can lead to profound inner growth and creative breakthroughs.

And finally, there will be the opportunity to participate in developing a sense of community and deep enduring bonds through group process, daily bodywork and movement and personal sharing.

So if you are ready for a real creative jump start in your life and a unique artistic experience, I invite you to come and join the growing community of Wild Heart painters at one of our fabulous retreats!

Beginners are more than welcome — and you don’t need any art experience to attend any of the retreats.


Painting from the Wild Heart in Borrego Springs
November 2025


Painting from the Wild Heart in Borrego Springs
January 2026


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