One of the things that I love about the online community that I am part of is that it is filled with amazing artists from all over the world who are doing truly revolutionary healing work in the world through their art. And goddess knows, one of the areas that needs the most radical of healings is our relationship to the feminine.
Amy Palko … writer, wise woman guide and poetess extraordinare … continually gives voice to that process of healing through her fierce and tender explorations of what it means to live in a woman’s body and heart at this point in history.
And she recently came out with a gorgeous book of poetry called From Revolutionary Lips that literally took my breathe away. In this deep dive into the naked feminine soul she is uncompromising in her ardent truth- telling about the inner life of a truly alive woman.
She speaks of our relationship to love and blood. Death and beauty. Rage and reclaiming our light. Our strength. Our potency. Our erotic hungers. The ripe intensity of our often stormy emotional nature.
I came away from this wild and passionate journey with her broken open and cleansed. Transformed. And more deeply grounded in the ecstatic power of my true feminine essence.
Amy gave me permission to reprint one of my favorite poems from her book so that you can get a taste of the deliciousness that’s in store by diving into reading these poetic gems.
An optical illusion caused by the distorted perspective of one tormented by the heat.
Dry, dessicated… bringer of death.
Shimmering in the white hot light, the mythical mirage taunts and tempts us to keep going, keep stumbling forward, our hopes of redemption, rescue and relief forever at the tips of our parched tongues.
But to no avail.
There is no satisfaction.
There is no relief.
The mirage shimmers once more and then flickers out of existence.
It is only then that we look behind us to see the oasis, green and succulent.
That beautiful promise of sustenance and nourishment, that we have been walking away from, is still there.
It always was.
And now that we have given up on our illusion that causes so much pain and suffering in exchange for an unquenchable desire, we can truly allow ourselves to receive.
We can feed our souls from the eternal spring of the divine and let the liquid love fill our bellies and hearts with bliss.
We have found our way home.
At last.
Held in the mystery by the mother of all things, I finally allow myself to receive the love that is my birthright.
And with this acceptance, I slip into bliss.
My body’s boundaries dissolve and I no longer know where I end or begin.
I am numinous.
I am everywhere.
I am a part of you.
I am you.
We are all self and other and that is how it has always been.
Colours sweep through my consciousness – a kaleidoscope of luminous illumination.
Refracted beams of light bounce off one another and break apart into more light, more colour.
There is no end to their multiplying, to their radiant reproduction.
And yet my eyes are not dazzled.
I can see them all.
The microcosmic and the macrocosmic.
I perceive all the details, all the delight, all the divinity.
And with this recognition, I too refract, bend, break, dissolve.