I get invited to participate in a lot of free online workshops and retreats. And I’m pretty choosy about which ones I say yes to. For me to agree to spend my precious time and energy being part of this kind of event it has to touch my heart and be meaningful to me and my students.
And From Widow To Warrior was exactly that kind of a gathering. I’m not a widow but like all of us making our way through this human life I have experienced … and continue to experience… unutterable grief and loss.
So I’m thrilled to be part of an AMAZING circle of facilitators, teacher and creative guides … like Susie Stonefield Miller, Amber Kuileimailani Bonnici, Elizabeth Foley and Dora Carpenter … who’ve created offerings for ANYONE who is grieving with a specific emphasis on women who have lost partners, spouses and life mates.
The class I created is called The Art Of Being Present To Ourselves which is a meditative journey into simply being with WHATEVER shows up and then expressing what we experienced through art making and writing.
If you’re ready to play a little, feel some joy in your life again, move forward, and step into the next chapter of your life, then click on the button below.
This gathering is a global sisterhood of widows who are saying YES to themselves and their healing and are choosing to LIVE.
P.S. You may not be a widow, but if you know one, please forward this post to her. She may be needing this right now.