At the core of all resistance is a deep longing.
There’s something that you want. And you want it bad. But you’re afraid to let yourself really want it because you imagine that you will be disappointed. You don’t think you can bear the disappointment. You can’t see anything on the horizon BUT disappointment.
So you dig in your heels in terms of taking any action at all.
Resistance is another face of fear and fear always wants us to keep still. To stay where we are. To remain forever frozen, paralyzed and unmoving.
Resistance is incredibly sneaky.
It doesn’t always announce itself as resistance – it likes to hide and camouflage itself behind “reasons” to not go after your dream right now.
Reasons like: I’m too busy, I don’t have enough money, I don’t have enough time, I’m too old, I’m too young, I don’t know how, I don’t have enough training or talent, I’m not ready, I just CAN’T, I need more clarity, I’ve always been this way, I’m not good enough yet.
Of course, those “reasons” are always diversions obscuring a deeper truth. Which is that there’s no such thing as ready. There’s only willingness. And courage. And faith that if you have the desire, your deeper intuitive intelligence can always figure out a way to meet that desire.
Resistance also has what I call a Crappy Crystal Ball. It predicts the future, but it’s always a NEGATIVE future filled with horrors and terrors and suckiness.
The CCB tells you that what you want to create or achieve or accomplish is going to be too hard, too frustrating, too impossible. So why even bother.
Resistance hijacks your capacity to imagine, but it never imagines anything GOOD.
However there is a secret to understanding resistance.
Underneath resistance is ALWAYS a whole lot of excitement masked by anxiety. Resistance is actually the souls code telling you precisely what you need to do next on your creative journey. It’s a clue to how to access your full-on creative aliveness.
Knowing how to decipher the true meaning of that code actually gives you the exact OPPOSITE message of the Crappy Crystal Ball.
So if some part of you is resisting something it’s a pretty sure bet that is EXACTLY the place you need to be heading towards. The more the resistance the more you REALLY want the thing you are resisting with such gusto!
The magic-potion antidote for fear and bullshit reasons AND to resistance is taking action. No matter how small. Once you make a move of any kind the spell of the resistance will be often be broken.
So throw away that crappy crystal ball. Take ONE eensy-weensy, tiny step forward. And watch the resistance begin to magically melt away.
Until, of course, it arises again. And you can be guaranteed it WILL rise again. But NOW you know exactly what to do when that happens.