What Does It Take To Truly Transform and Heal?
A few thoughts about some things to expect ANY time you engage with the work of true healing and transformation: Resistance tends to get activated whenever our soul begins nudging us to take a risk, make a change or step into the unknown. The possibility of transformation both tantalizes and terrifies us and doing something we have never done before can leave us quaking in our footwear of choice. So resistance teams up with our anxiety and convinces us that taking action in ANY form is a monumentally bad idea. And we stay stuck, stumped and stymied around making longed for positive shifts in our lives. When this happens we need to remember that fear is a TOTALLY normal and natural part of the expansion process. Feeling fear doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t expand and it certainly doesn’t mean that anything is wrong. When fear shows up it DOES need our attention which includes cultivating BIG doses of compassion to tenderly hold and be gentle with our fear. But fear is always a call to action which means mobilizing the energy of courage to help us move forward towards our hearts longings. Fear also tends to grow in isolation. When […]
Chris Zydel