The Artist As A Beacon Of Love
There is a vulnerability to being an artist. And that vulnerability comes from associating being loved for our work as being loved for ourselves. When you create from your heart you ARE creating from love. And there are lots of old stories and memories from childhood, etc. where our love (aka creativity) was not received WITH love. So we carry some of those old wounds as beliefs and expectations. We think we can set boundaries and protect ourselves from that ancient pain by NOT loving our own work. And also by denying our deep longing that our work be received with love. We think if we close ourselves off to that love we will be kept safe. But the exact opposite is what’s true. When you create FROM love, you are already IN that place of love. When you can fully and wildly and passionately open to love through your own art, no matter WHAT you are creating, whether it’s paintings, or books or workshops or photos, you are already protected. You are protected BY that love. You are already right where you want and need to be. You are generating love. You […]
Chris Zydel