Painting With Fire Class Spots GIVEAWAY!!

by | Mar 16, 2015 | Articles | 177 comments



I am so ridiculously excited about the many amazing creative folks who have already signed up for my Painting With Fire journey that begins at the end of March. And I would like to make available two FREE spots in the class for a couple of lucky creative souls. So all you have to do to get in on the giveaway extravaganza is to write a few words in the comments below about how intuition operates in YOUR life!

I will be pulling TWO names out of the magical virtual sorting hat on Thursday, March 19th and will be announcing the winners here.

Can’t wait to hear your gems of intuitive wisdom! And have fun and good luck!!!



  1. intuition is my primary guide. You can throw all the facts and figures you want at me, but if it’s not in line with my gut….. No dice. Doing a course with you is on my big fat “Yes!!” List.

  2. Intuition is a deep knowing in my body and soul that I trust in my daily life. It is also what guides my creative process as I lean in and listen to my gut and my heart whispers for words, pattern, theme, colour and design ♡

  3. I have not been very good at listening to my intuition lately; however, when I do, my life feels more fulfilled and satisfying. Thanks for asking this question and making me confront the fact that I have not been listening to myself!

  4. What a gift!

    I have a seductive relationship with my intuition. She calls me, she whispers my name, she asks me to sit in silence and abhors when I multi-task. When I am still, her messages come loud and clear. In the dream state, journey work, when painting and when gardening I always get the deepest messages. I would love the chance to work with her AND you, in the class!

  5. I’m finally getting comfortable with and celebrating my intuition on a very deep level. I’m accepting that I often know things without any idea how I know them. And that makes it easier to follow those intuitive nudges when they show up (which is very, *very* often!)

  6. I’m less and less surprised by the outcomes that manifest when I listen to that intuitive voice that speaks to me. It’s when I don’t use my intuition that problems arise.

  7. Hi Chris,
    I love when I can connect to my intuition. When it happends, I can paint, collage, and draw for hours. It makes me feel so free and creative, because I’m not in the fear of not being good, or doing beautiful things…I’m just in the moment.
    But, for period, it seems like I have no access to intuition. I know then, I have to take time with myself to reconnect, and to clear the way so I can hear, feel It. I’m always interest in being surrender by people who wants to develop intuition as a way of living their life, as much as to develope their art process. I would like to be always connect to my intuition, in all the aspects of my Life. I’d like so much to be part of your group. Thanks for the opportunity.

  8. Intuition for me is when something comes through that I would not always “think” but feel is right. It is almost like a “knowing” about something. When I do not follow my intuition I am out of sync. The other day at work..I was painting a cupboard and I kept getting ( you need to clean up and finish).
    I wanted to continue… but,I listened and sure enough it would have created problems for me if I had not listened.

  9. My intuition has gone from being a blink to a very loud voice, just by me following her leading. Everyday, I say yes, to her leanings as oppose to doubting; which is what I did for so many years! She replied to me about signing up for this, by saying, “Really, you have to ask?” :)

  10. Intuition is my guiding light. For as long as I can remember I have “felt” my way through life. When I am healthy and tuned in then I am able to know how to be in the world. Life, just life,,can be loud enough to drown out the voice I need to hear though.

  11. Hi Chris!! Intuition for me is not something I thought would be in my realm. After giving reiki to as many people that I could get my hands on, meditating and keeping my right brain engaged through daily art practice, I am astonished at what has happened. The biggest gift is giving reiki, where I receive a heavy dose of visions that bring insight, symbols and messages to share. I CONSTANTLY see hawks. I see 111, 222, 333, 444 or 555 almost daily. I have had bizarre experiences of feeling in another dimension where I truly see “oneness”. And even stranger, it seems this intuition is contagious in my household. One example is this morning my 10 year old daughter said she heard me say “watch out” the other day when I was in another building. She was just about to go downstairs and so she was extra careful. She has said she hears messages from me at school for a few years now. I believe intuition is quickly becoming the new way of being, experiencing and communicating. An ongoing journey of trust, listening and stillness. I’m officially an addict!!!

  12. For me, intuition is the grace of deep knowing moving through me. I love to ride the wave of intuition revealing itself in every part of my life, and especially in my creative pursuits. So much less “figuring out” and more “ahas” and surprises! I could not do the healing work that feeds my soul without opening to that deep knowing.

  13. There is something about putting color on paper that stirs me deeply. It stirs that deep inner knowing in me. It speaks to my heart and my gut. With each stroke of the brush comes a breath. That breath stirs my intuition and my intuition speaks to me of unknown yet deeply known spaces within myself. That breath and that color allows my intuition to speak when I need to make decisions, when I meet someone new, when I hold space for someone, and it lets me know of things unseen. That intuition speaks of needs, wants, deep desires and yearnings and takes me down paths where I have never been, where my small self doesn’t want to go, and it makes my life much bigger and grander than I ever could have imagined.

  14. Intuition and I have just begun a slow dance of awakening. Becoming still, learning to listen to the messages living within my body. Seeking desire, passion, and creativity to bolster her voice. Using meditation, energy work, and soulcare practices to invite her to turn up the volume!

    And partnering with Divine guidance to trust what is being heard.

    XO for your fabulous offering to the world!

  15. My intuition whispers guidance and perspective and direction like an ethereal team of sherpas trekking through the Himalayas. :)

  16. Intuition informs me in all endeavors, a deep trusting that surprises me with synchronicity, clarity, and a deeper faith that I knows I am on my best path.

    In the moment, intuition keeps me grounded and patient minding me that everything has its own timing and order.

    Intuition is the art “informer” where imagination interacts with color, pattern, tools, and techniques unexpectedly defining creativity.

  17. Intuition is the wind that blows on the compass of my heart. My heart and intuition are always in a beautiful dance of Yes-ness, guiding me in ways that are sometimes incredibly surprising in my healing work, my art, my relationships and my life. The paths I go on may not always seem clearly blessed at first (sometimes they are, sometimes it takes a lot of trust), but they always lead me to just the right place, right brushstroke, right word, right choice. To follow intuition is to follow my heart informed by Source. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  18. For some reason…intuition comes in two ways for me. there’s what I call little intuitive nudges…where suddenly I’ll think to pick up a book or a video and find as I read or watch…exactly what I need to know about something appears mirrored in front of me. Or I’ll get a feeling to go or not go somewhere, and find later I was absolutely right. And those gut feelings where suddenly something feels wrong…I don’t know what it is, but I know its not right for me.
    Then there’s life changing intuition…where suddenly a doorway opens, angels beckon me through, and I respond, either with wild excitement, or tremendous fear. In this kind of intuition I usually am being called into something bigger than I think I can safely handle. Sometimes the results of going through those doorways, are life shattering…. they often challenge my ideas of what is possible. The little me wants to shrink back, saying I can’t do that.

  19. I rely on tuition to guide everything. From listening to the whispers for what to paint, what brush stroke or color comes next, to what my body needs in the moment. It has taken many years of waking up and listening to it and it just gets deeper and more pronounced with time. <3

  20. Now that I am older (and recently retired) I am finding if I let my intuition play out I am much happier and my life is more full of joy. I find that painting and other artwork makes me happier and my life fuller also when operated under the freedom of letting intuition have its say. Your class sounds like it would be a wonderful thing to help guide me on this journey of what I want to be when I grow up (second time around).

  21. Intuition is the juice of my life, not always comfortable to follow but so freeing when I do. Art is freedom to me and the creative process of playing, discovering and being curious seems to offer a great flow of intuitive guidance in everyday life. The Divine Feminine is the source that allows wisdom, beauty, power and love to flow onto the paper in radiant colour. I love the mystery, don’t know where I am going but love the journey.
    Thank you for your generosity.

  22. Well….she’s a sneaky little devil at times (intuition that is!) Just when I forget to connect within, she’ll sneak up on me and pull my earlobe or itch my nose, usually in front of someone I really need to speak with but am a bit nervous to do so. She’ll gurgle around my soul and pull strings in my heart in the form of wishes, dreams and hopes…like when I looked and looked for an old house to renovate in Greece, as part of a long long dream, five years of head thinking brought me nowhere, just when I thought it would never ever happen, boom a wonderful old house, high in the mountains (the only one in that mountain village that survived the devastating earthquake of 1953) popped up, the old lady wanted to sell she felt we were the right people, (she’d had it for sale for 15 years) and…the price was in our price range, which was teeny tiny small. There were no other owners (unheard of in Greece) and everything went really smoothly – that is more than a miracle. Twelve long years later, still un-renovated – no electric, water or loo, we are about to begin doing some work…I have come to a joyful agreement with my intuition the minx, I have agreed to trust her and she has agreed to whisper slightly louder as I am getting older and could be slightly hard of hearing. We have agreed to hold a little sacred space for an hour or so a day where I will breathe a little deeper, let go of stuff for a little longer and she will come and sit comfortably beside me, hold my hand and tell me all will be well. I believe her. x

  23. Intuition has played a major role in my life in getting me to where I am today in many aspects of my life. A BIGGIE was when I felt impressed to move to where my mother, who I’d never had a mother/daughter relationship with, lived. I cried for three days but the feeling would not go away. I went. It was the first time in my life that I felt a sense of “motherly” love from her. She had been clean and sober for many years and was getting her life on track. Six months later she was killed an an automobile accident.

    Many of my friends thought it was a HUGE tragedy that just when I began having a better relationship with my mom, she was killed. While I deeply grieved, I realized had I not listened to my intuition, I would not have had those six months.

    At this point in my life, for the very first time, I am inviting intuition to play the lead role in my creative processes. It feels good but scary just like when you go over the crest of the first hill on a roller coaster.

    I’m letting go of control over my art, lifting my arms up high and saying, “Woooooo Hooooooo!”

    I’m looking forward to seeing the results!!! ( :

  24. Much of my creative expression is done with thread, fabric, and color. Oh, and the colors are truly glorious when I rely on my intuition to choose, combine, and play with them. I often disregard all the learned rules and rely on my Divine intuition to guide my choices and lead me to ask, “what now?”

  25. Yay! Hello Chris! Loved that I opened your email today! INTOisON!

    lots of love!

  26. I trusted my intuition all of the time when I was a child. But my parents berated it out of me, ridiculing my “feelings” over “thinking”. Gradually I have come to reclaim my birthright though it is still hard to fully give in and trust that still small voice. It’s a process.

  27. My intuition has always been strong, but in the past few years I am following it so much, in big and little things, whether it makes “sense” or not, and it’s been so wonderful–I know it’s all my unseen spiritual helpers giving me nudges. I am still learning how to do this with my art however.

  28. I am learning to listen to that inner intuitive voice when I begin a painting in every aspect of the creative process, from the selection of colors and size of canvas to where the brush wants to dance on that canvas and the inner knowing about when it is finished. Often that inner guidance comes even without my directly knowing about it in many other aspects of my life. The more I practice that listening within, the stronger it gets. I love this way of living!

  29. A couple of weeks ago I had an angel card reading during which the reader asked about where I am living and said she thought the energy of the house isn’t right for me. She is the second card reader to say this. I moved here last August and am renting and wasn’t intending to move. The next day idle curiosity (or intuition?) got the better of me and I had a look on line for property to let in a place I have wanted to live for the last 4 years. There was one house available. Not any old house, but a property I almost bought 4 years ago. I tried to stop myself from arranging a viewing as I knew that if I saw it I would want it. Anyway, I arranged the viewing and shocked the agent by standing in the living room saying “I’ll take it”. Following the viewing I drove to work and I noticed the registration plate on the car ahead as it contained my initials – LHD – which is unusual, and made me smile. I then saw that it was a car for driving instruction and had a name plate across the roof, and the name of the driving school – Intuition! I couldn’t believe it – I was literally following my intuition. Talk about signs and messages! So in spite of my inner gremlin telling me the rent on the new house is too high I have decided to trust in the universe and my intuition.

  30. intuition. It’s a muscle that needs to be worked. it never disappears but goes underground when ignored for extended periods of time. You can’t lose it even when you think you have. It is sometimes the voice I don’t want to hear, but know is true. It keeps me grounded on my authentic path. When I ignore it…the universe conspires with it to teach me.

  31. Third Eye visioning is how I see my intuition: every morning I awaken to record my dreams and interpret them, every month I receive oracle and horoscope readings, I have become one with my stones and am using them to heal, create jewelry, and grow and want to evolve a soul centered business. Tapping into meditative creativity and mindfulness since fall of 2011, I am at a crossroads. I was blessed last weekend with shaman goddesses leading me in a goddess doll workshop and was so touched by the collective creative love and healing synergy I cried. I really need goddess support to believe in all the manifestations my intuition can birth; I am full of self – doubt and fear but want to shine my light brightly;-) I love all of your messages in your newsletters and have been lifted by you often in the last few years; I feel like a member of your tribe.

  32. I am so interested in taking this class. I am an abstract artist and haven’t painted for 8 months now due to an illness. My heart is guiding me to begin again and my intuition says this class would be perfect to start to paint. Thank you for this opportunity to possibly be able to win Painting with Fire art class.

  33. I have been attracted to your workshops for a long time. I have recently recovered from a health setback, retired from my main job (I still help my husband on our farm, so work part time at home), and am FINALLY starting to listen to my body, listen to my inner wisdom, listen to my intuition. I have to say–what a rush! There is such freedom and peace in relaxing and releasing into that quiet knowing, that deep trust. I am ready for what comes next in this amazing journey!

  34. Understanding and learning to embrace intuition from incredible way showers and leaders like you. It’s having the confidence to trust and dig into that deep so personal place and set it free with paint. I have always painted with my heart but learning to take it to a new level. This kind of offering is just perfect to really say what you are wanting to say with paint….as the beautiful you that you are. Anyone winning this sweet offer would be so blessed to learn from a magical beautiful being!

  35. What an amazing opportunity..thank you! I make most major decisions using my intuition. If something is off, my center area (stomach) screams No! I listen to it and it never steers me wrong. Sometimes I try to rationalize away the decision with my head but that screaming in my body continues. It’s only when I finally acknowledge what my body knew all along, that the feeling stops. And then I’m like “Whoa”.

  36. All my life I’ve been open to this feeling of knowing something, without consciously knowing where that came from… it was this feeling that protected me from difficult situations or strange relationships… the most of the times I could “read” exactly what a person was, no matter their nice behaviour in front of me, I could see their motives and how they tried to avoid me after that…it was intuition that kicked me in the butt when I met my husband, I immediately knew that we have a lot of things to do together, that it was a relationship that I needed and should have in my life… it was intuition that guided me in so many ways all these years, knowing when I should do something, or not…it was intuition, which I call “my Higher Heart” that pushed me to do courses, meet mentors, make spiritual journeys in some of the sacred places of the planet, called there for extraordinary reasons… in fact, I followed my intuition and here I am, now… my intuition helped me find my true calling, while my mind was telling me to do other things… the only time I didn’t follow my intuition was when I was under treatment for a disease and for a whole year I was completely disconnected, but now my connection with my inner wisdom, my guides and the angels is stronger than before and I am grateful that guidance, support and help is always there for me!

  37. I think I need this! I am so critical of my painting! I love to paint but worry what others think.

  38. My natural strengths are clairsentience and intuition in the form of direct knowing. My body sends me accurate messages, even when my head is telling me a different story. There are also times when a truth or a direction just quietly enters my consciousness. In recent years, i’ve cultivated clairaudiance, which plays a big role in my writing. I’ll watch a scene unfold and “hear” the characters speak, as if onstage. I’m new to visual journaling and have never done much painting, but I love color and would like to learn how it wants to speak to me on the page.

  39. Dear Lady… Such a generous offer from a giving heaart..For whom ever receives this gift i am sure it will make a great change in their life…
    Intuition to me is that spark when something capture your heart and soul on any kind of level and says yes or know or maybe just try and see.. The more I have trusted my intuition to guide me the better and certainly more full adventure my life has become..
    Well thank you again and I think you are a very brave and full of life woman and for that I thank you..

    May the spark be with us


  40. My invisible friend
    Shows me the way
    Tells me the truth
    Protects my every move
    All I have to do
    is trust and follow
    I’m grateful for that which is within
    My friend intuition

  41. My intuition can turn off and on. I haven’t learn to listen it more often when its on. what i love about it when I have this knowing feeling and I go with it and it turns out okay. I love the feel of how good the thing is that I should go ahead and do it. Other times, I go against it and feel silly for not listen to it. My intuition has show me that my husband is the one, moving is the right thing, and the job I was apply for was where I need to be.
    Thanks you for the opportunity.

  42. I’m not always very good at hearing my intuition, some times it takes the proverbial twobyfour up alongside the head. When I create though, if I stay out of my head and just let it flow it’s magic!

  43. Intuition shows up as the proverbial knock on the door. If I don’t answer it, the knocking gets louder and louder.

    Intuition is a feeling in my gut. I most often notice it in response to others so it impacts what I say and do in relationships.


  44. I wish I could say I was super in tune with my intuitive side. But the truth is I don’t always know what is intuition and what is just inner noise. The times when I felt it strongest have been very important times in my life. Like *knowing* events would happen or that my husband was the man I would marry. I would love to win a spot in this class. Namaste beauties

  45. intuition is very much a part of my daily life now
    it took me some hard work and clearing to get to this point– but it has been well worth the struggle
    now when i stop and listen— hear the little voice inside my head it shows me the path to my authentic self
    i want to help that voice to get stronger

  46. I gave up a secure, well-paid corporate gig not too long ago. But one that was also killing my soul. Talk about having to pay attention to intuition. It was LOUD and insistent that I bag the 30+ year career and move on. When I didn’t pay attention, I was very definitely reminded. :-) Scary to make the leap, but oh so liberating.
    I was never artsy or craftsy my entire life (in fact, thought I was decidedly not artistic). Until age 48 that is when I took a watercolor class (which intuition and curiosity led me to sign up for). It wasn’t instantaneous, but boy in hindsight has it ever completely changed my life. Art has been a means to a new brand new life and rebirth.
    I love that you’re teaching this particular course. I relate. And, I would love to attend. Thank you for doing the free giveaway.

  47. Intuition operates in my life almost like another “sense.” However, often, words are too limiting to express the “knowing.” This is why I value painting… as a way to listen and as a way to express. I also find that I get in my own way, or I do not always trust “it.”. Intuition is all about allowing. My ego is all about control. Clearly, there needs to be more allowing. :-) And, even more Compassion! ;-)

  48. My intuitiveness has bubbled under the surface for some time now and I have listened in small ways, but recently I’ve been on a journey of shaking her awake. I feel it’s time to put my intuition into effect for more than just small decisions, but for the larger and deeper ones too. Your classes have spoke to me for awhile now and the online class is exciting because it gives me a chance to become involved no matter where I am.

  49. Well, in my life, I’m trying to listen to my inner voice to guide me through nearly everything. I remember when I was at school this beautiful voice never stopped helping & guiding me.
    Regarding this painting class, it’s a long time that I’m thinking of doing it. But as far as I can remember, I wasn’t very good at drawing and painting. But there is a strong urge at the moment that pushes me to do something about it. That’s why I want to try. But I need help. Hope that I can be in your class soon!!
    Thanks for your kindness.

  50. I have relied heavily in intuition with great results as a tool for living, but only discovered intuitive painting a few years ago when I hit a patch for which there was no other way to go. I found images and memories and symbols flowing out- and I have not stopped since!

  51. I have been told by so many people in my life that I have the ability to see things before they happen. I think this was passed down from my mother who is the same way. When I was younger I felt afraid of this power. As I get older I feel a need to embrace it. It is scary to me. I am scared of failure, of people judging me and of other people seeing my work. I have tried to let my perfectionism go but it hasn’t been easy. I need to play more and think less. It is so wonderful of you to offer this chance to be taught by you. I really admire your strength and the beauty of your work! You are an inspiration.

  52. I feel my intuition is my connection to Source energy and my highest self. It is my guide and Is not outside me…It is my ‘flow’…

  53. It was only a few years ago that I even recognized I had any intuitive ability. Since that time, I’ve been learning to listen closely, and to say yes when I hear it. It’s led me on quite the amazing path!
    I feel quite certain that life is only going to become more interesting and exciting as we go forward together from here!

    I’m so excited to see your offer, and grateful for the opportunity to play along :D

  54. I ntuition
    N urtures my
    T rust in the
    U nknown. It
    I nvites me to
    T rack my
    I nner guide,
    O pening me to
    N ew possibilities!

  55. I have been greatly challenged in these last 3 years to listen and trust my intuition more and more.
    I have learned the hard way that if I don’t trust, follow and listen to my intuition things WILL be more difficult.

  56. I listen to my intuition whenever I need guidance-I call it my guidance- and whenever someone needs a blessing- the dolphins remind me and the hummingbirds and the zephyrs and the angels of water-it is a lovely world

  57. My intuition works best when I’m listening! So often, I’m distracted, or push it back, or let ego speak louder. It helps when I’m intentional about it, in inquiry, in “flow/the Zone”, or when I’m creating (and truly completely out of my own way.)

  58. I got excited when I saw your offer of two free spots to your new class! thought “wouldn’t that be so cool!” Intuition has always been important to me, though sometimes I let it fall into the shadows instead of paying attention like I should. I feel it intently, physically and emotionally and it lets me know when I am not paying enough attention. thank you for the chance! peace.

  59. Intuition…that way of knowing what’s next, of being in the right place at the right time, of thinking of someone shortly before they contact me, of casually saying things that others are thinking is deeply secret, of trusting my flow when I am painting, of letting go and letting Spirit flow in my life and my art. Intuition requires that I trust, and that I am open. It works best with my clear intention, and my focus on highest and best. When I allow my heart to lead hand-in-hand with kindness and common sense. When I forego judgment and practice acceptance. Like creativity, it is natural, yet takes practice. It is a way of knowing, seeing, understanding.

  60. Intuition is a feeling in my gut, a feeling that talks to me and helps me on my journey. It has been real important in my life recently, telling me to cut cords and live the life I was meant to, through art. It has helped me be strong and fight for what is right. It is a vital part of my life and learning to listen to it is such an important lesson.

  61. Intuition is my higher power. I have learned to trust that higher power to guide me each moment, with each breath, as I make decisions, take action, and live in the present moment. I trust that intuition as it leads me through the creative process of bringing the unseen into a form of energy others can respond to through their own intuition.

  62. Intuition…
    Working from the center of my soul
    Listening and following that inner voice that nudges me to do that thing that goes against the grain of what others may want me to do
    Seeing color, light, lines and shapes and knowing they hold special meaning for me
    Writing down my dreams and watching them come to life in beautiful ways in my waking life

    Following my passions even when it hurts
    Allowing my emotions to be present and letting them dissipate so that the shiny gems of my truth shine through

    Being awake and creating my dream


  63. I have heard wonderful things about you and your work. It would be amazing to get to work with you someday.

  64. My pants are on fire! What an magical concept.

  65. My intuition is my guide for when I don’t know where to go. It is my connection to the world around me, how I know I’m not alone.

  66. I’ve been an intuitive since I was a child but it
    took me many years before I fully realized that I was one! (Though in retrospect, it was unusual that stray cats would
    follow me to and from school when I was in grade school and I even brought in one of those cats for show and tell to share with my class!)

    As a Sensitive, it was challenging to know what was my energy
    and what was someone else’s since my empathic nature couldn’t
    tell the difference. This too was an experiential learning curve for me.

    One of the main ingredients I discovered for working with my
    intuition was learning to trust myself and my intuitive prompts. The other ingredient for creating a space for intuition is paying attention to it and listening to it when it
    shows up. Its presence can be so gentle and unassuming, like a whisper, that it can be easy to miss or explain away unless you are attentive to it. That just comes with practice and believing and trusting that you are attuned to it. Once you learn to dance with your intuition, it becomes a magical dialogue of surprise and wonder; of dancing with the universal flow of life.

    I feel very inspired by the opportunity and gift of this
    scholarship to participate in this amazing and life-affirming workshop!

  67. I believe art is a intuitive magic that brings a purpose to those whom it resonates with. My process is constantly evolving into a magic I have never known before bringing me to a higher understanding of this magical path.

  68. I am mostly aware of my intuition when I am writing songs or working on painting and art projects. It is easy for me to surrender in these kind of projects and just allow for an intuitive flow. My intuition works fine in this kind of process because I am not getting in the way of up with worry and busy thinking. I find that when I have a paintbrush in my hand it is easy to surrender to the intuitive process. Not so easy in most other areas of my life. Being over controlling is the exact opposite for me in letting intuition guide.

  69. I’m just now coming in touch with my intuition – over the past 2-3 years. It shows up in my body – as an ease, or a full body clench. It also shows up as a niggling thought – I need to go somewhere, and when I do I am in the right place at the right time. Or the thought that I need to say something – and the other person looks at me deeply like it really connected in some way. It’s coming as I am consciously giving more self-love. Not coincidentally I think.

  70. My intuition is my best friend and my guide. I rely on her to make all my most important decisions.
    I have been an artist for years but have just found the process way and my intuition has been telling me for a few years now that there is another way to make art.
    A friend introduced me to your website and I really like what you are doing.
    Your way will be so helpful to me right now in my life. i hope i win a spot in your class.
    I am 71 and living on a fixed income so this would give me a chance and live in the Northeast, so this would give me a chance to work with you.
    Blessing on your wonderful endeavor!

  71. Intuition is the gut voice in my head that almost yells what a piece of glass wants to be. You have no preconceived notions it just springs forward and you follow and the process begins and a piece is created….. it spills over into painting. …

  72. Intuition is the voice, the nudge, the intuitive truth of my Soul. When I allow myself to ask for assistance and open to my intuition, I clearly hear, see, or feel the guidance or next step in my process of creation.
    When I hear, listen, and follow my inner voice (intuitive knowing) my life flows with ease and grace. When I stop the flow with doubt, judgment, or procrastination I lose the opportunity and momentum to take action and create what I desire.
    My intuition says to ask for assistance in creating what I really want then get out of my own way and open to receiving what will best serve me now.
    Next, allow my inner joy to come forth & express my gratitude for opening to the cycle of asking, giving, & receiving for my highest benefit right now.
    Thanks, Chris

  73. I have learned to pay close attention to my intuition in interpersonal relations. I feel it in my stomach and my heart.

  74. I’m learning to use my intuition to guide my business. .. it’s a hard thing to learn for someone who has always felt very rational on these issues…

  75. I’m trying to learn how to hear my intuition more clearly – sometimes I can “feel” a sense of guidance in my body, but I often let my brain and over-thinking get in the way. Still trying to sort out which inner voice to listen to and how to blend this together with emotions and body sensations and visual images. Would love to win a spot in your course – it sounds amazing!

  76. The only way I know how to paint now is letting my intuition do the work.

  77. how does intuition operate in my life? nudges, pictures, outlines, feelings, guiding, supporting, allowing, creating, leading me with soft whispers, easing me into places unknown, lending strength, a knowing w/o knowing

  78. When I hear the word intuition, I always think of this poem I remember from elementary school. It’s so simple and cute yet relays the message perfectly….

    There is a voice inside of you
    That whispers all day long,
    “I feel this is right for me,
    I know that this is wrong.”
    No teacher, preacher, parent, friend
    Or wise man can decide
    What’s right for you–just listen to
    The voice that speaks inside.

    -Shel Silverstein

  79. Intuition is an act of deeply observing and listening, for me. I am increasingly understanding that the conscious valuing of my intuition brings forth a deeper sense of relationship, a profound connectedness and understanding of the whole, along with myself as a reflection of that whole.

  80. My intuition has been my faithful friend all of my life. From a young age, I knew it was there, guiding me and helping me to navigate. For many years, I was a bad friend in return, and did not listen or pay attention to this friend, with unfortunate yet predictable results. Who hasn’t been there? But now I am digging, trying to learn how to listen to this constant companion more closely. Searching to know more about her. To surrender to this power. I am learning to trust. I am opening my heart and learning new ways. When I paint, sometimes before I know it, I get tapped into this resource so deeply that it takes over my being. Words cannot describe the feeling of being lost in color and form, just feeling the smooth soothing waters…. But when I am out of the process, I sometimes start to doubt. I need to stay connected more closely with my intuition, knowing for always that she won’t let me down. I just have to learn more about her. I LOVE IT when this energy resonates with another soul, touching, healing, through my work. AHHHHH that is the best. That is magic.

  81. I found Jeanne Bessette by following my intuition, and I’ve been following you online the same way. I’ drove to take your course online, Chris.

  82. I rely on intuition for the final check of every decision I make now in my life. I’ve learned to trust that sense more than what my thoughts may be ‘telling’ me. Thanks for the chance to win a seat in your online class…it would be such a blessing and privilege to be able to attend.

  83. Intuition is constantly informing my life now. It’s always been there, yet now I’m conscious of it more than ever before. Meditating daily, hearing whispers on walks, allowing imagery to flow and trusting outcomes, sensing unseen impulses, feeling lighter, checking within for guidance…It’s pure. It’s love.

  84. Intuition flows through me the strongest when I still myself and in the quiet listen to that inner voice that guides me. When life is loud and crazy, I can barely hear that inner knowing.

  85. I am a Sag and can relate to your posting about being free. I allow that freedom and my intuition to help me let a painting pour out of my like an acrylic bottle turned upside down. The creative, intuitive process drives every painting. If I don’t lesson to the painting directing me and my intuition nothing works out. I have learned to let go and live in the free flowing creative moment.

  86. Intuition is the way I navigate in the world. I open my heart and listen….I feel my way with ART.

  87. Intuition in my life…mmm the soft voice that beckons me forward, to listen, to be brave, to stop fussing and have a go, to call a friend, start a conversation whatever it maybe. I’ve come to know the prompting of my intuition and pay attention because she knows what I often don’t and I feel expanded, truer to myself in doing from this place of wisdom

  88. Intuition is the deep place within my soul that offers wisdom from the very Heart of God. This is how I listen deep, by praying, painting, watching nature and waiting…aware of the voice that never fails me.

  89. My intuition guides me in all I do. In the way I choose to create, to work. It guides my search for my place in the world and my relationship with the nature and the divine feminine.

  90. Intuition is something that I am learning to trust through the process of practice. It is easiest to do when I am mindful of myself and my being in the world around me.

  91. I wish I was more in touch with my intuition. Sometimes I “hear” it when it’s really loud!

  92. Her paintings were wild. Explosions of orange and red and yellow and lime green. They drew me in and as I studied them up close I knew that her work had the qualities my own paintings were missing. Play! Fun! Joy! Then I remembered the pink house. The sign outside announced it held an art studio. My intuition (my heart) screamed at me. “Go in Cece.” And I listened. What followed was a marvelous tour and conversation. I was introduced to HeARTspace. Then The BOOM! My life is shifting in too many ways to list here. I will just sum it up by saying I am learning to live BIG. And not only do I paint 5 days a week…I do so in a state of playful joy. I am finding my voice and working towards my goal of fulltime, money making Artist.

  93. My intuition plays a big role in my life. Sometimes it comes as a sense of knowing. An idea or feeling that is almost impossible to dismiss. For example, how I am drawn to your intuitive painting classes. I know that one day I will attend one. I just don’t know when.

    It can be confusing at times. I have had a sense of something and it didn’t happen the way I expected it to. I’m still watching for how that will play out because the knowing inevitably comes to pass. I just don’t always see the “how.”

    The subtle every day hints and glimmers become easier to sense and follow in my every day life since I have opened to it.

    I sometimes feel resistant to the leading and I know I have missed out on some blessings by getting in my own way.

    As a favorite healer of mine frequently says, “It is all for learning.” <3

  94. My intuition has blossomed so much within the last year as I have been given lessons in love and vulnerability that I could never have tackled so openly before. Your words rocked my world because I look back and can honestly say I never, ever could have seen of what is happening in my life three years ago. It’s been a crazy, wild, amazing ride. And it’s just the beginning!

  95. I’m still working on listening to my intuition more and more, but I think I’m getting there. Thank you for this chance! :-)

  96. Listen is my word for the year, and this most especially what my inner knowing is telling me. I feel like I’m just learning to hear & listen to this inner knowing :) Congrats on your journey to bringing this class to life, and thanks for the opportunity to win a spot! xox

  97. Intuition comes to me when I am most relaxed and not forcing it- if I force intuition it’s elusive. I think intuition is a gift that is given when you are truly pure at heart- not seeking or expecting just open to the mysterys of the universe.

  98. My intuition is SCREAMING for me to be involved with YOU on this exciting new endeavor.

  99. I hear the beautiful small voice of my intuition from time to time, and endeavour to follow it. Sometimes I am humble enough to surrender to its wisdom,sometimes I rebel. But in my artwork, I seem to have lost my path of expressing from my intuition. My courage to just play has disappeared replaced with so many layers of fears. I suspect this is related to doing commissioned portraits for years. I still LOVE colour and LOVE to sketch but I face a wall of fear if I try. I’d love to do your course to help set me free.

  100. My intuition is my lifeline to my Crystalline Energy Body. My best friend and Loving companion to the universal truths. Opening, Chaos and Mastery.
    There is a panther caged in my chest,
    Rustling exquisitely
    In half aroused veils of murmuring rage
    A haughty fluttering
    Of long slow rhythms
    My wild ripened…..Goddess

  101. Intuitive painting, while it seemingly has absolutely nothing to do with my career, is the only way that I have been able to break through the glass ceiling of my job. That I did by painting a 9 foot painting last year. Painting my insides is so fun, because it’s like my own fortune teller or tarot cards. The paintings only make sense 3 months, 6 months, or a year later. It is a glimpse into the magic ball that is my own life. Expression is sublime!!

  102. dear lovely soul, I am so excited about your class. I was introduced to your lovely energy during the angels in my studio. and the two sessions absolutely brought me out of my blank state of mind. once the dam brie the intuition became a part of me. I questioned it less and less and and the universe and I have a beautiful conversion every second. it’s become magical. and yes your astrological readings are absolutely bang on.

  103. Intuition is my compass, it’s my instant internal feedback system. As I reconnected with my intuiton, which was always strong, but had been repressed, my life got easier, it flows, there’s no forcing. It’s our greatest gift. My intuition is my guiding force in everything that I do. I hear, listen and take action on her messages, I know better by now to ignore her. I feel so supported in my life now because of my inner wisdom, I feel a deep sense of connection to the divine feminine, it’s a wonderful place to be.

  104. I connect with my intuition through writing dialogs in my journal. I write the questions and write the first thing that pop into my mind after that.

  105. Intuition is the native tongue of the soul, the language we speak to ourselves. Intuition emerges naturally when we relax into a creative flow- then all that is ripe and ready is revealed.

  106. it is the reason i moved to chicago without job, ftiends, or family 16 years ago, abd is the reason i lept and retired from corp america jan 2 ♡

  107. Like a dance, intuition sparkles around my life. Sometimes subterranean, sometimes with great fanfare…i mean sometimes I’m aware of it in the process, sometimes not til much later do i notice its shiny gifts. By contrast, when coaching i become hyper aware of where intuition leads….feeling it’s the face of the divine showing me the way.

  108. I live in the UK and have been introduced to your work by a friend. I would love to say that intuition is operating fully in my life, but the truth is, that for me, it is something I am only just beginning to explore. I am taking ‘baby steps’ with it, learning more and more to trust it, to allow it into my life to guide me. I am a counsellor and art therapist working with children. Trusting my intuition helps me to reach beyond the limitations of my ‘thinking mind’ to find what is right for my clients. It is an open ended adventure that I am now starting to explore with much excitement and joy.

  109. Years gone by were fraught with pain as I traveled the murky river of life fighting the currents. My intuition had always been strong but I didn’t have faith enough to trust it.
    Instead I let others (bosses, family,lovers) dictate how I should feel, act and believe. And I was miserably depressed, lonely and angry much of the time.
    Creating art was the only thing that kept me afloat.
    It wasn’t until I finally discovered I needed to trust my intuition about what I needed to do,how I needed to do it and how to feel about it that my life changed for the better.
    Now, moving within the natural flow of life, that I’d been struggling against for so long, has magically restored my soul.
    There are still ripples that rock the lifeboat now and again but I have learned how to keep it all in balance.
    The biggest lesson: perfection does not exist. What makes life more interesting, colorful and exciting are the unexpected ripples and flaws that appear just when we need to learn something new.
    The resulting part of this equation has been learning to trust that I know what I need to do to create the life that best suits me.
    It hasn’t been easy but I’ve become a much happier, content soul for it. And so have those around me.
    I must add that finding you and participating in retreats such as the one I experienced at Ghost Ranch
    helped rekindle faith in my own intuition allowing my true self to shine a light that had been nearly extinguished before.

  110. wow, how has this passed me by! But then again, things I need seem to appear when i need them :-) I have lived my life by my intuition.. I follow my heart and hence have many career changes and “midlife crises”. I encourage my husband to do the same, to follow his heart. And I will teach my children to do the same. It is sooo hard sometimes, I battle with my inner critic who tells me I should give up on art and find a ‘proper’ job, and I battle against my feelings of what I ‘should’ be doing on a daily basis. I wish I was more intuitive with my art.. I worry too much about the product.

  111. I wish I could follow my intuition blindly without doubting it. It has always been a good guidance, but it’s my monkey mind that interferes.

  112. I always listen to my intuition. It usually tells me what I need to know and guides my path!

  113. I’m just learning to listen to my intuition. It is a bit of a struggle to listen within and not to the external ‘noise’. It is worth the struggle, this is I know where the wisdom is. But it requires practice.

  114. I wish I could say that I was really in touch with my intuition, and perhaps I am in small ways without being conscious of it, but it is something I wish I could access more easily. I rarely get a clear “gut” feeling of what to do, I guess I second guess too much. I’d love to be able to explore it more through intuitive painting. This sounds like a safe way to explore. Thanks for the opportunity.

  115. Intuition informs everything I do except the automatic things, like breathing, but learning to abide by it unconditionally is a life-long process. The details of when to act on it, or not, can be complex and sometimes confusing, but when I’m painting I’m free to follow that path without concern for the consequences. The more I can say yes to that, the more alive I feel. It’s a practice that reverberates out into the rest of my life and becomes easier to follow, even through the most difficult terrain, because I want to feel that aliveness as much as I possibly can.

  116. I’m 61 years old, and when I was growing up, “women’s intuition” was something kind of cute and often joked about. I know now that it is so much more. It’s that knowing, that voice inside that is my spirit connecting with Spirit, guiding me to say or do what is right and true for me. I rely on my intuition all the time…in my day to day, in my counseling work with students, in my role as a life coach and as I choose amazing teachers (like you!) whose voices resonate. Something told me about 3 years ago to try painting, and I discovered I LOVE putting color on canvas! I would be so grateful to be a part of the upcoming class.

  117. Wow! I’m blown away by your courage and vulnerability in your blog Chris!!
    As always you are such a luscious invitation for me to be creative.
    Tried a job last year and did little painting. Now back to my studio but I need help.
    My Creative Spirit person is telling me it’s time to unleash her to free my soul again
    Thanks for offering the giveaway!!

  118. One of my favorite ways to practice inner listening:
    I decide to take a bicycle ride.
    I get my helmet on, handle bars in hand, and take off…
    No destination goal, simply a mysterious adventure with myself. I always know which way to go, but it only becomes clear in the moment …
    “Turn left now…. Left again, now right……”
    Again and again I am surprised how loud and clear the voice is directing me, she always knows which way to go! We travel and explore the streets together, always keeping our eye out for magic, more often than not noticing it when it appears :)
    Thank you Chris, you continue to inspire me greatly.

  119. My intuition is the main way I make decisions in my life. However, I feel I could learn to listen to it better and I’m sure your wonderful painting class could help me do that. Painting from the Wild Heart has played a crucial role in moving me through some really touch transitions in my life. It is wonderful!!

  120. Hello Chris! This class feels delightfully scary and necessary…
    My intuition reveals itself in my life as a felt sense – a twisting in my gut if a person or place or experience is wrong for me, and an effervescence in my heart, an excited inhale, a tingling in my body, if something is right for me. If I do not heed the warning I feel a frantic fluttering panic at the back of my mind. If I pay attention to the bubbling up of Yes!!! then I feel a clarity and peace that I have made the right choice for me in the here and now. Grateful to you, for offering this give-away!!!

  121. My relationship with my intuition is sometimes sweet and subtle…other times resistant (on my part) and brutal, like a punch in my gut. But the messages are always wise and true. I can be a distracted monkey much of the time, but when I really allow and make space to listen to my intuition, my life flows in such a lovely way! This needs to happen much more often.

  122. Intuition…like goosebumps on the inside…it doesn’t say do this or that in words, but you just feel you know…not when you think you know! It seems to speak more clearly when I know I don’t know…it’s hard to convey. But beautiful to feel. Intuition comes from love. It’s always there but I don’t always listen. I say, I’m busy, in a minute, soon…but it says NOW!

  123. my intuition is a subtle but unwavering sense of knowing beyond the mind… the more I listen the stronger she becomes. The more I embody my authentic self, the easier it is to discern my inner knowing. There are moments when the knowing is loud and clear and there are other moments I can’t quiet make it out…
    this sounds like an amazing class! Thank you Chris!

  124. Intuition has always served me well in working with other people, especially as a life coach and in my “previous life” as a pretrial officer. I felt I could hear things people wanted to say, but weren’t saying out loud. I have also discovered that intuition supports me when I write or do anything artistic/creative. Sometimes it is in “just knowing” when something is complete and other times it is in “seeing” the finished product before I even start. Finally, I tap into my intuition daily when interacting with my dogs. I “listen” on a deeper level to try to hear what they want to tell me, understand how they are feeling, and to know what they need. Your e-course sounds amazing & I’m very grateful for the opportunity to put my name in for a free spot! Hopefully typing this on St. Patty’s Day will bring me good luck! :-) Cheers.

  125. I have a bumpy relationship with my intuition, in a way that I often don’t recognize it. Even through I’m a visual artist, my intuitive hits rarely come through visions. Usually it’s either a verbal thought that I then try to frantically write down as the words are flowing, or a bodily sensation that makes me take a certain path as I’m walking aimlessly through the forest.

    Unfortunately, I have also recently had a situation where a “gut feeling” made me look up information I normally wouldn’t even thought of, and found out the truth about a lie I was fed. It was empowering to find I can trust my intuition, but the circumstances were heartbreaking.

  126. I am at a beginning. My life as I planned it is no longer an option for me so here I stand listening for my intuition. I am ready and willing to follow. I can sometimes hear my intuition in faint whisps of wondering & other times it is a deep body knowing. I just started to paint last year so that I can have some tools to engage with my intuition. So that I will KNOW it, SENSE it. And I see that I have an incredible tendency to try to craft my end product. To plan. To direct. What I seek is more of an opening. A sense of letting go so that I can feel what is right, what I love. I believe those prompts are hard lines from God & it’s my duty to be open enough to hear them. I wish to be deeply connected to my intuition.

  127. Thank you so much for offering this amazing and wonderful opportunity! I feel the most able to allow myself to step into the flow of my intuition when I am teaching my music students. I get to work one on one with them, and it often feels as if I’m some sort of conduit or catalyst that helps them remember stuff they really already know. The more challenging days are if they decide they would rather stay outside the flow; the best days and most rewarding ones are the days we step into that flow together. What I would hope to gain from your class is how to allow myself to step into that flow when it’s only for me, and tapping into more of my gifts and allowing them to expressed in the world. A group of students have been asking me to create things for them, and I would like to. I think by exploring an art that is different from my primary one would enable me to release what needs to go, and step into the flow of intuition in more moments of my awake life.

  128. I am intuitive by nature. I depend on my intuition for how best to raise my son, what to draw & paint, how to interact with new people in a social situation, to how to handle my own energy during the day. I think it would feel like I’m missing a limb if I couldn’t rely on my intuition.

  129. When I think about intuition it inspires feelings of relief and gratitude, a remembrance that there is a source of guidance, a connected web of knowing that I can tap into if I relax, and listen…dancing, drawing and painting are three activities which really help to connect me to my intuition. I realised reading the beautiful posts here that painting intuitively must have a wider impact on the way we live our lives, as does conscious dance practices – they are like a practice ground, where we can strengthen the intuitive connection and learn to trust it more. Developing our ‘hearing’ and sensing as it were.

  130. For many years, I worked a “normal” nine-to-five job, while following my heart’s desire evenings and weekends, like painting, sketching, spinning, knitting, lacemaking, and bookarts. Slowly over time, designing knitting patterns became my real job, when I could no longer work in an office. This was great reinforcement for following my intuition and trusting in coincidence and feelings. I used to think I should concentrate on one craft. Now I’ve learned to let intuition take the lead and I’m joyfully following along into more painting, drawing, photography and now jewelry-making. The most important clue is joy. Freely enter whichever creative activity beckons in the moment. How simple is that? –Jill

  131. Intuition…is the gentle voice that suggests i look down, right then, to see the 1 heart rock amidst millions…it guides me to meet kind people along my path…reminds me to stay present, as much as I can. It informs the things I wear, say and do, because every detail counts. To me, intuition is just as important in the little things as it is in the big things (but truth be told…I tend to throw my intuition clear out the window when something big is at hand) Just listening to that little voice that wants to wear the cowboy boots today, or to take a left instead of right, to call off sick, to check on a friend, to ask a specific person for guidance, to be standing right there for 30 seconds longer because you just don’t feel like you’re meant to move along yet. All those little things that add up to the big thing of us all being interconnected. You never know who will strike up a conversation just because you wore the cowboy boots today. Or the lifelong friend you’ll meet because you went left instead of right. Or how that friend really needed you to call just then. Or what miracle will come from waiting just 30 more seconds. That’s the small stuff. Then there is the stuff like…knowing what is meant for you. Intuition is harder for me to hear when it involves bigger decisions. Sometimes long periods of active patience are required before it is clear what to do. Ignoring intuition is what causes the most pain when what you already knew would happen happens to you.

  132. Intuition was an invaluable tool as a therapist for accessing a sense for what was the best way to help a client heal. Now that I am a coach I find that it is even more valuable as a way to relate to a client on a very deep level. Personally I have kept my intuition at bay until now. I have always been afraid of following my intuition in my private life for fear of doing something “wrong”. But now that I have started painting intuitively and I am finding out so much about myself and feel so free in my process!It has opened new (or old, buried) beliefs about myself and created new possibilities. I am having so much fun!!!!

  133. Painting with intuition is something that I am spending this year exploring and learning how to do. I’ve had the privilege to take a couple ecourses that have exposed me to the topic and I’m starting to see the inner inspiration I carry around. I hope to keep honing in on it so that I may find my own, unique style and start making art all the time!

  134. intuition plays a part in everything I do…(when I’m in the flow and not in ego space) I paint intuitively, I divine messages from spirit intuitively, I allow my intuition to carry me where I need to be…I am doing a vision quest this fall and all of the preparation for iris being guided by spirit and intuition…I would absolutely love to win one of these spots, because it’s just not in my budget right now…so very generous of you to offer these Chris!!! Bowing to you and your creative goodness

  135. I’ve learned to always go with my gut & intuition on things. As a young adult, in my 20s, I fought it. I tried to reason things out, all the while knowing – Truly knowing – what was going on. It lead to stress, gastric problems, anxiety and eventually depression. In my 40s now, I wish I could go back to my younger self and tell her not to fight it and teach her shielding techniques. But I’m learning now and glad to say dis-ease from my mind fighting my solar plexus is very minimal. I love painting from an intuitive space, never knowing exactly where the canvas will end up but painting what I feel at that point.

  136. I’m still learning how to reconnect with my intuition. I find myself fighting it often, out of fear and doubt. There was a time when I didn’t doubt my intuition. I long to be able to trust myself and that inner voice again.

  137. I use my intuition as often as possible, every day. It has led me on this amazing journey that is my life.

  138. Intuition operates in my life by…being my #1 Guide! When I brush off what Im hearing…well, that doesn’t usually turn out so great! ;)
    I’m ready to bring on the Chris-Support and guidance to get flowing with my own #1 guide more!!!!

  139. i would love to take a class with you! Trust is my word for this year, and I always should trust my intuition because my heart knows, yet sometimes I follow others or doubt. Trust the magic, and I am delighted by the results or find a startling truth.

  140. Ah, Chris. You are so generous. My intuition is usually a knowing that pulls me into action. Er, or a knowing that wants to pull me into action but then I think, “That’s a good idea. I’ll do it when it’s time.” forgetting that the time is actually right then. I am getting much better at following my intuition, at least! I definitely follow it for the big things now. I am learning to follow it for the little things too. I remember my intuitive painting class with you – it made it so clear how I block my flow in painting as well as life.

  141. My intuition speaks to me daily, I just fail to listen. I went to college in the 70’s leaning toward a major in art. Life happened and it didn’t include art. For over 30 years. Now that little intuition voice is getting louder & louder. I want to Do, not Dream!

  142. I have come to realize that EVERY time I listen to and trust the voice that says “Do it, and do it now”, things fall into place, new doors open, perceived obstacles melt away, and I am filled with a sense of purpose and peace. I hope that I might win a spot on the art course because-maybe-that’s just what I need-right now-in my life to move forward and grow.

  143. Intuition ebbs and flows in me, sometimes gracing me and sometimes being drowned out by the other “must do” voices that clamor a bit more loudly. When i am following my intuition, i dont always know where i am going to, but i love the feeling of the going. As a matter of fact, I am following intuition now. :)

  144. I am guided by my intuition mostly . My mind needs to be silent then. But when I am too much in my head and constant reasoning and ruled by what if ,it ill udders me. Need to be in the place of total trust more and more.

  145. I am working on listening to my intuition more both in my painting process and in my everyday life. I have to be very quiet to hear her voice but I am confident the voice will get stronger with practice.

  146. Intuition is like my life breathe. It’s spontaneous and automatic and I wish I could say I’m totally guided by it ….

    When I’m passionate and in the flow the gifts, even when filled with subtle grace come through with crystal clarity, and yet at other times truth is it’s so natural and automatic I miss even the big billboard size messages – how does that happen?! I simply rest in the trust that all will be well and everything will unfold in perfect timing x

  147. I know I will take a class with you when the time is right, and I’m so excited that you are doing an e course! My intuition guides me, and when I listen…amazing things unfold. I’m human so sometimes I get caught up in going it alone, and then I get a nudge or a download and remember that I most certainly am not! ❤️ Thank you for the opportunity to win a seat in your first round.

  148. Intuition has moved in me as a place of wonder and living imagination for all my live long life. It is the place I go to for the spire of heart, the soul of song and peace of word. Intuition, the place of in-to-it. I find rich interior landscape, colors mixing into a veil of knowing. I have admired your work from afar and would love the journey of working with you in this gifted way that your are offering to two lucky souls. My intuition kept telling me to come back lay down a short canvas of words…

  149. Well, I was shying away from putting my name in the hat, but intuition is sort of bellowing at me to do otherwise. I spend each day working with my intuition, although my biggest challenge seems to be simply allowing intuition to provide guidance, and not get it the way. That remains *the* hurdle. Stoopid hurdle. Regardless, I talk with the animals, or the energy of animals as they arrive in my life each day – sometimes it’s dreams, sometimes they’ll literally fly into my world. But I connect to Source daily, regardless of the who or how. Plenty-often it’s just sinking deeper into a grounding meditation and stretching out my feelers …allowing my intuition to run like sap through my veins. Seeing deeper, further, and having that wisdom sink deeper into my being. My intuition tells me to walk with others right now, to be in groups where the feminine is being nurtured, working with others, who are working with their intuitions. In honor of my intuition, I throw my name in the hat <3 Gracias for the chance.

  150. I honor the power of Intuition every day in my morning mantra. The main ways I invoke it is when in heartfelt dialogue (letting the spirit flow through me), what comes from my dreams, what I ask for from the Goddess and the signs She sends; and, of course to guide my art work.

  151. Intuition operates soooo variously in my life … and is at least somewhat dependent on how open, trusting, available I am. Sometimes my head and heart can’t sort themselves out (I really hate that when it happens) and I can’t tell which is which or get out of the way enough for Intuition to come through and me to hear. Sometimes Intuition is Truth speaking very clearly and there is no doubt at all what is true or what I am to do. Sometimes ‘Intuition’ is a misnomer for the who that appears — Muse, Alchemist, Creature-Teacher. Sometimes Intuition comes as a vision; sometimes as words whispered; often as a felt-knowing. Sometimes gentle; sometimes fierce. I would love to always be guided by this knowing self/Being. <3


  153. At times, intuition is a little reminder, a quiet voice that says “hear me, you know you feel this way, you know the answer already” or sometimes it’s a soft sensation in my core. Either way, I only notice it I’m paying attention to myself. Intuition is an inside job… that’s why it’s important for me to quiet my mind and be gentle with myself.

  154. My intuition has guided me my entire life. A strong and conscious connection that led me to being a Healing Arts Practitioner. Until 8/2012 when I experienced a traumatic life event. Somehow my inner connection, the voice of my soul has been diminished. Maybe lack of trust in myself, or that faith and hopeful expectations weren’t met. Now almost three years later I am looking to find that inner connection, to spark my intuition and rebuild trust, to quieten the voice of fear, and open my creativity and imagination to joy and beauty once again. My intuition is here, it’s always been here…and I invite it to come back fully, to expand and grow with much love xoxox

  155. Intuition is sometimes there, very loud and sometimes it is rather silent or better I just don’t seem to understand :) I love it when it also comes through messages seemingly from the outside, through a song, a picture or something I see in the clouds. But any which way it is as Sandra said above, an inside job. I have to be open and connected to myself so the messages can come through and so I understand the extent of the felling/message coming across. Last year I was able to find a great place to live just by being open and letting the messages come through, knowing when something is good for me and something is not. I do feel that it takes quite some practice to tune in on that inner voice/ the inner messenger. What really helps me is doodling and sometimes writing with no intention or agenda just going with the flow and seeing what is being created.

  156. Intuition has been something that I was actually afraid of in the past, trusting my higher self to make decisions was difficult for me. However, in the past few months I have been going through a shift in awareness that has strengthened my ability to hear my inner voice clearer. I am trusting more in myself each day to be divinely guided to where I need to go to fulfill my higher purpose and share my creativity with the world to help inspire others. Now, my intuition has guided me to find you and this wonderful opportunity. I am wholeheartedly grateful.

  157. Intuition waits for me until I am ready to receive it. It’s a knowing that comes when I let myself not know. It seems tied to my kindness, because it doesn’t assume anything about anything or anyone, it’s just curious. Intuition nudges – as in – check your purse before you go out, or type in this comment – I may not know until later why that matter, or may not realize it at all. Intuition is the energy I follow when I feel relaxed enough, free enough to let the “me” that is there beyond obligation and strategy, to express. The immortal me.

  158. Intuition plays a major part in my life and contually moreso in my art making. I respond to people’ in a intuitive way that leads me to strong connections rapidly. In my artwork, intuition is the major force that drives the creativity. I spent a number of years learning the rules and now my painting practice proceeds with an “informed intuitions” where my learning is incorporated into my intuitive practice.

  159. You could call me the Intuitive Fitness Trainer/Yogini.

    I lost track long ago how many times my clients ask, “How do you know that?” My reply is, “I see it.” or “I feel it.”

    Though I may not be able to explain what I see or feel exactly, I almost always know how clients are feeling physically and/or emotionally. Sometimes, it’s a shift in how I’m feeling that tells me it is theirs. Sometimes, I feel empathetic pain in my body.

    Most times, there is just something that I see that I can’t really explain in words. It’s like reading body language on a very subtle level.

    My intuition has been my guide in helping many, many fitness clients over the years to heal old injuries and accomplish what they thought was impossible.

    Thanks for all you do, Chris!

    Jen Young

  160. Intuition for me is following my heart and feeling in alignment with the universe and all beings. It is bring fully present in the moment in my true state of pure love and being a reflection of love in everything I say, thin, do and feel…..very mushy and yummy!

  161. Seems I arrived here at just the right moment. I would be so honored to be a part of this class.

    For me – intuition is about rising each and every new day and beginning…and trusting and feeling my self in my body. It’s about honoring the space in which I’m residing – both physically, emotionally and spiritually. And – it’s about bravely trusting in my very small timid quiet voice.

    Thank-you for bravely sharing yours.

  162. I’m a wet behind the ears new member & I haven’t painted in YEARS. Very frustrating as you can imagine. But just your en-
    couraging words make me feel that I CAN get back to painting &
    JOY. Thank you very much.

  163. ***Intuition*** guides me throughout my whole life. It led me here to your wonder-FULL & colour-FULL website & your Painting with Fire course. I would cherish being a part of your online course as instinctively I feel its right for me. If not not now then it will be when the time is right…
    Thank you for this opportunity.

  164. Intuition is what I listen to the most. I practice listening so it can guide my life. Of course that practice is on-going but my intuition always seems to lead me to the right situations & people and if I don’t listen I am sorry I didn’t.

  165. Intuition led me to your website today. Intuition tells me I will be visiting it often. It’s hard to tell the difference between what is intuition in my life and what is not intuition. It’s a natural, flowing knowingness that I don’t question or judge. It’s like breathing. It just happens.

  166. Intuition is absolute trust of self,. listening, knowing and honoring your gut feelings, no self dismissal..
    I’ve come to learn intuition is really trusting both ends of that brush..

  167. When I was growing up no one ever spoke out loud about intuition. So the first time it spoke to me, about choosing my area of concentration for my college major, I just shrugged “those feelings” off. Ended up spending almost 5 yrs pursuing the “wrong” major degree.

    Since I had a degree in that “wrong” subject I thought I “had” to work in a field where I was 1) not very good, 2) felt no joy doing what I was doing, 3) did not feel good in either body, mind or spirit.

    Only whe I “lost everything” did I FIND myself! And I found myself when I prayed in despair “Ok God! I give up. Show me what to do.”

    The answer to that prayer was a series of “feelings” and serendipitous occupancies. When I said “yes” I discovered that my feelings never led me wrong.

    For me it really is true that prayer is me talking to God, intuition is God talking to me.

  168. As a Tarot reader, my intuition is my bread and butter! I experience it as a small voice that speaks from my heart, or my crown, or my solar plexus. Sometimes it’s so quiet that if I wasn’t paying attention, I’d miss it. Other times it’s so loud, my ears ring and chakra points feel like they’re buzzing. But since I started cultivating it, trusting it, and following it, I feel like my life flows easier and lighter.

  169. Diamond Aloha, My intuition works through me with signs and synchronicities. I love looking for the deeper meaning in my life through the various colors, birds, animals, etc. that show up in my life. For example, last weekend, I was on a diamond journey, receiving energy transmissions. I was feeling so absolutely still and in a flow of Divine Love. When I went to get a cup of water, I noticed 6 morning doves lying in pairs, 2 under my tree, 2 on the grass, 2 on my patio and 2 in the flower pot. They were all lying so absolutely still with their breast puffed out on a very windy day. When I looked up the meaning of doves and the number 6 I found out the doves represent nurturing and Mother Mary and 6 is a number of Harmony. Knowing this reinforced what I was feeling in the moment and also what we were receiving in our journey. It is so fun and help my life feel riches and more connected to All that is.

  170. When I am working with clients my intuition shows up as words or metaphors that will be helpful for those individuals. My intuition also shows up as animals I see while I am hiking that always have a powerful message for me concerning my inner growth.

  171. a quieting
    listening to that sweet, soft, gentle guide

    connecting to heartspace
    anyone home?

    sometimes waiting
    but always trusting
    the inner compass to return

  172. The path of intuition is mysterious. It’s about pausing. Being quiet. Listening. When things seem to be happening magically or with synchronicity, I feel my intuition is working. What is intuition? For me it’s the the inner guidance that reveals itself and allows the pieces of my life to fall into place easily. When I am aligned with my Soul, my Higher Self, that voice comes through as intuition. It may say “move here” or it may say “wait”. If I choose to ignore that voice, it continues to stay by my side and love me unconditionally. My intuition is the voice of a loyal and loving friend and guide.

  173. I just found this, right now, and maybe if I did it’s because I am not too late…
    Lately a lot of things are just happening, unfolding. I think of an issue in my life that I realize I am not happy with and puff, voila, the answer comes, not always as I expect it but here it is none the less. I would LOVE to be part of this. Thank you. <3

  174. So excited I found your website via Shamsi. I know intuition drives heart, but sometimes the mind fights it. I would love the opportunity to fuel my heart and fill my soul. Not to mention, I could get messy with paint! Love it.

  175. WOWSER!!! I love love love your zest for life, how you are living so inspired. I would greatly appreciate an opportunity to work with you, so please consider me for the give-away.

  176. Oh as an art teacher for 17 years I would love to be given the opportunity to re-charge and get inspired on a personal level! I am not sure if I am too late but I hope the stars will align;)

  177. Intuition… A few months ago I had no idea what that that word really means..I only recently started learning how to listen and trust my intuition, ad what my soul needs. I am going through a difficult time in my life and I feel that my intuition had really helped me understand myself and what I really need. I would love to do this class as I know it would help me complete this journey and help me discover myself.

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