What Does It Mean To Become A Wise Creative Woman?
When I told my husband that I had decided to write an article about the positive aspects of women and aging he said, only half jokingly: “That’s going to be a very short post.” He made that statement with love, based on witnessing me struggling with a whole multitude of body related issues that are the result of being IN a body for 65 years. Sometimes I feel like an old car that keeps needing to be taken into the shop for repairs every time you turn around. And dealing with those challenges has not been fun. It’s been exhausting, expensive and time consuming. Not to mention depressing at times. So sometimes I DO wonder if this whole getting older thing is all it’s cracked up to be. But recently I was listening to a class recording from one of my beloved astrology mentors, Steven Forrest, talking about the Second Saturn Return. For those of you who are NOT astrologers here’s the short version of what that means. Saturn is the planet that symbolizes maturity and being grounded. And it takes about 28-29 years to travel around our chart and end up in the same sign that it was when […]
Chris Zydel