Love The Muse You’re With
I have a confession to make. In a lot of my writing I talk about my relationship to the creative process as something that’s kind of abstract. Or simply the workings of my own mind. Which isn’t exactly the truth. I’ve been avoiding telling the truth because I’m afraid that if I do the next time I open the front door I will be greeted by the proverbial men in the white coats with their clipboards and soothing voices. But in all fairness to you I think it’s time I stopped being chicken-shit vague in the service of preserving any appearance of sanity. So here is the truth. I often feel like my creativity ( AKA my muse) is a separate being. No, no, no…. see I’m STILL waffling. OK. OK. One more time. I KNOW that my muse is a separate being. Yes, you could say she’s another aspect of my psyche. And maybe she is. But she clearly doesn’t think so and she certainly doesn’t act that way. I mean, do you get into whiny, pissy fights with something that’s just a part of your subconscious? And routinely lose those arguments? There are definitely clues that point to her […]
Chris Zydel