Paint Here Now: Intuitive Painting and The Practice Of Presence
I just had the privilege of facilitating the first session of my third Wild Heart Expressive Arts Teacher Training program earlier this month. Whenever I teach I notice that every group and every workshop has it’s own distinct personality. And one of the ways that gets expressed is that certain themes related to the intuitive painting process become more prominent than others. Maybe it’s the combination of folks attending or the way that the planets have aligned, but for whatever reason, certain energies become highlighted and then influence the heart and soul of everyone in the circle. This is not something that I ever plan for or have anything to do with. These motifs are always an organic expression of the group creative process. It’s like an idea will mysteriously take hold and wind it’s way through everyone’s psyche to be explored by the group as a whole. In March the theme was “A creative safe house filled with dangerous women” with a sub-theme of “Are you, or are you not, the creativity goddesses bitch?” (something which I will talk about in more detail at another time. I promise ). In this last workshop the mantra that kept coming up […]
Chris Zydel