Inner Critic Got You Down? Here’s Some Tips To Help You Find Creative Freedom Again
In all my years of teaching the intuitive painting process and helping people get more creative, the biggest ongoing issue I’ve seen that keeps folks blocked, stuck and unable to be creatively free, is the inability to deal effectively with the inner voice of judgment, more commonly known as the inner critic. Or as I like to call that voice… Mr. Judgy. So here’s a few tips that I have learned over the years that can begin to help you get a handle on taming your own version of Mr. Judgy and find your way back to the land of creative joy. CREATING A CRITIC FREE ZONE You need to make a conscious choice to take the critic on, because it’s not going to just go away on its own. You can avoid confrontations with the critic but only by staying in the circle of limitation and safety that doesn’t challenge it. If you want to grow creatively you need to engage directly with the critic. There are two different archetypes you need to recruit to help you in your battle with the critic. The first archetype, the warrior, is the part of you that is capable of setting boundaries […]
Chris Zydel