ART Every Day Month: Day 3- Dem Bones, Dem Bones....
I love Mexican and Southwestern folk art and Day Of The Dead stuff. My house is just filled with all kinds of art and figurines that depict those lively skeleton figures. In fact, here’s one of the altars that I have in my house. I was so happy to find a Day Of The Dead Madonna…. she’s one of my prized possessions! This is also the time of the year when there are Day Of The Dead celebrations all over the place…. at least here in the San Francisco Bay Area. So the whole thing is kind of on my mind. I thought I would try making my own goofy skeleton figure, again using the colored pencils. I think it’s a he although you can’t always tell with these guys. When I draw or paint I have a bit of an idea in mind but I always try to be open to the surprises at the same time. So I kind of liked it when a halo showed up on this figure, and I was also intrigued by the obvious throat chakra, which I associate with creative self expression. I do feel like my creativity is really opening up on […]
Chris Zydel