A Few Tips For Smooth Sailing Into The Anxious Unknown
I’ve talked about my mad addiction to movies and television shows before and how much I love the fantasy genre. But there are a couple of shows that I regularly watch that don’t have supernatural themes. And one of them is a hilarious and popular show called Modern Family. In one episode the main character is having a conversation with an elderly guy who is on an oxygen tank most of the time and the younger guy asks the older one “Do you ever think about death?’ And the old guy just snorts with laughter and says ” I’m 83 years old. Death is my roommate!” Which is how I feel about anxiety. It is DEFINITELY my uninvited but here to stay roommate. I think that anxiety just comes with the territory if you are breathing and alive.But there is an extra added dose of it if you choose to devote yourself to living a creative life. But it’s also one of those things that no one likes to talk about. Like bankruptcy or erectile dysfunction anxiety makes us feel out of control and like there is something wrong with us. So it has a strong association with shame. And whenever […]
Chris Zydel