The Heart Protecting Power Of Resistance
I’m getting really excited about my upcoming class with my pal Andrea Schroeder, Resistance Rx: Magic Mojo for Mucho Creative Momentum. And preparing myself for this class has me thinking a lot about the topic of resistance as something that creative folks deal with CONSTANTLY. If you commit yourself to a creative path you are also opening the door to that ongoing push-pull between creative desire and the inner obstructions to manifesting that desire. Resistance is a hard one for many folks because on some level it doesn’t make any sense. How could you NOT want to do something so wonderfully delicious and amazing as your creative work? Why would you block yourself around doing what you love? Why would you seemingly willfully halt your progress towards making your creative dreams come true? Why would you not make time and space for what so obviously nurtures your soul? It’s one of those dilemmas that makes any artist or creative person absolutely cuckoo! And creates a boatload of shame and self doubt because it simply doesn’t compute. A lot of people also feel like they are alone in this process. That they are the only person on the planet who is stuck […]
Chris Zydel