Self Love As A Healing Path To Wild Creative Freedom
I have a student who, when she first started painting intuitively, asked me if I thought it was a good idea for her to take a more technique oriented art class. She was feeling critical of how images were showing up in her paintings. She judged them as childlike and kooky. And she thought that developing some painting skills might make her feel more satisfied and happy in her creative work. I told her that I thought she would be better served if she spent some time getting grounded in her own intuitive creative practice before she tried to learn someone else’s approach to making art. She trusted my guidance and it also felt right to her so that’s what she did. And continued to practice Radical Self Acceptance and self love for the ways that she naturally expressed herself. After a period of time, she was ready to try something new and took the plunge into a more technique based art class. When I saw her after her first class she told me that she wasn’t going back. When I asked her why, she said that even though […]
Chris Zydel